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I'm starting to do a different thing with my books, as you can see there in paragraphs now and I don't give a little saying first anymore, but I really hope you like it, I saw some comments saying that my writing has improved and I'm really happy for people to see that! It makes me feel great seeing those types of comments


I gulped and looked down at the ground. Everything was silent until I heard his footsteps come closer to me. "Sorry sir..." I said in a soft voice.

He lifted up my chin to face me, his green eyes glowed. He then pushed me over to one of the guards. "Get him changed and bring him back to me, scumbag" he said sitting back down in his thrown.

The guard then dragged me into one of the doors leading to a giant room with a maid dress laid down nicely on the bed. "Get dressed peasant" he growled.

I mimicked up and started getting undressed. Fuck the being nice, all I did was raise my voice and he had to be all tuff and fucking be an asshole.

I can sense that the guard was still staring at me while I was getting changed into the maid outfit. "Listen if you wanna fuck me your gonna pay" I said holding out my hand for him to put money in it.

He looked away right as I finished that sentence. I finally pulled up the maid outfit over my legs and slipped my arms in the arm sleeves, "done" I spoke.

"Good" a voice spoke out behind me, I jumped up and quickly turned around. The king was standing there looking down at me.

"Hello... sir" I spoke Bowing to him. "Ew, don't do that" he said walking past me out of the room. I scoffed and ran up behind him and walked next to him.

"Dust off every statue and wall, and tables if you have time" he spoke looking around. When I was about to speak he spoke. "DONT break anything" he yelled.

I nodded and looked up at him. "Now get on with it surf..." he said walking to his thrown sitting down in it.

Surf... what the fuck was a surf.. was that a compliment..? Defiantly not a complement

I grabbed a duster and walked over to a picture and started to dust it off. He watched me as he was getting fed purple grapes. "Faster" he spoke out.

I rolled my eyes and kept dusting at the pace I was already at. He huffed and leaned his head back.

Hours on hours of just dusting I was finally done, I walked back to King Clay and bowed right in front of him. "Done your honor" I spoke.

"Ew.. don't say that and don't bow" he looked down at me. "Sorry Mr. Clay" I spoke standing up straight looking at him.

"Please call me Dream.." he said with a smile. I smiled back at him, we made eye contact for a couple seconds until he broke it to speak.

"Go wipe off the table" he spoke. I nodded and walked away. He watched me walk away and thought.


damn.. Mr. Davidson or should I say George or Georgenotfound was pretty cute for a peasant..

It was good hiring him.. I could do.. anything and everything I want to him.. and he would like it..

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