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I just stood there and watched them.. I knew this was my chance but I couldn't bring myself to shoot her, I watched as there lips collided. The same girl who tied me up in a basement and almost raped me..

Dream pushed her off and whipped his lips. "George" he spoke out looking at me. Elly looked at me aswell. "How in the hell-" she spoke. I then rose the revolver to point at Elly.

I hen turned the gun to point at Dream that was inching his way closer to me. "Dont come near me.." my voice cracked as I was about to cry.

"George listen.. I'm sure if you put the gun down we can take this out.." he said stepping closer to me. "She almost raped me for fuck sake! She tied me up into the basement and almost raped me!" I screamed. "What that never happened! I was cleaning Dreams bedroom!" She yelled out.

"George.. she was cleaning my bedroom.. none of that happened.." he said in a firm voice. "BULL SHIT YES IT DID!" I cried out. Tears rolling down my cheeks.

Dream attempted to reach for the gun but I stepped back and pointed the gun at myself.. "okay okay!" He spoke standing still looking at me.

Sapnap then came out of the room and opened the door. "What is going on" he asked. "Why the hell are you in my castle.." dream looked over at Sapnap.

"I brought him in here" I spoke. Sapnap looked at me. "Whoa George.. put the gun down" he carefully said. I looked at him then Dream. Dream looked back at me.

I broke down crying and I dropped the gun landing on the floor. I then ran over to Sapnap and leaped into his arms were he had held me. I cried into his chest as Sapnap looked over at Dream and gave him a stare. Dream looked over at Sapnap and me then quickly looked away.

I could tell he has some sort of anger in him.. some sort.. of sorrow.. I cried and cried more into his chest. "S-she tried t-to raped me.." I stuttered out the worded as he kissed the top of my head and held me tighter.

He looked over at Elly then back at Dream. Dream looked at Sapnap then at Elly. "Guards.." Dream spoke. The guards then rushed over to Elly and grabbed both of her arms. "Hey! Let go!" She yelled out. "LET GO YOU PRICKS!" She screamed as They dragged her out of the castle.

Dream looked at my puffy red eyes. I looked at him and cried. Sapnap then picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He covered my eyes and walked me down the stairs back over to my room.

I heard him whisper to Karl and quackity but i couldn't pick out on what He said over my crying. Sapnap then uncovered my eyes and placed me down on the new red velvet comforter.

Karl stumbled out of the bed and grabbed onto quackity shoulder to hold himself up. Quackity held him closer and looked over at Sapnap. "What happened?" He spoke out:

"Elly again" he sighed and looked back down at me. I had psssst out due to the overwhelment. "I don't understand why the king can't just kill her.. king Eret would have killed her a king time ago" Karl spoke.

"I don't know.. the king is stubborn.." he sighed and walked over to them taking Karl from quackitys arms. He then held Karl with one arm and picked quackity up with the other arm. He then put Karl on the couch that was in the room and placed quackity on top of him.

They snuggled up together and quickly fell asleep. Sapnap then walked over to the bed and sat down in the chair that was right next to the bed. He looked at me and grabbed onto my hand.

"It will get better sweetie.."

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