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I pulled him into the castle but was soon stopped by a guard. "Why is this peasant in the castle" the guard said gripped onto sapnaps arm and tugging him away. "The king said that he needed him for.. uh... to get a new job.." I gulped.

The guard looked at me and tossed Sapnap onto the floor. Sapnap quickly got up to his feet as he brushed his clothes off. "Alright nick let's go!" I said pulling his arm threw the metallic double doors.

"Please call me Sapnap!" He said with a bright smile. "Oo, okay okay Sapnap" I giggled.

I then looked around so the king wouldn't notice Sapnap was here. I pulled his arm down the stairs and to my room shutting the wooden door after Sapnap came in.

"This is your room?" He said sitting down on the red silk sheets. "Yup!" I said with a smile as I picked up the remote and turned on the 36 inch Roku TV.

I hopped on the bed right next to him and handed him the remote. "Pick a movie" he looked at the remote and clicked threw all the movies on Hulu. "What about the purge, it's not a movie but it's really good" he asked.

"Oo yeah!" I yelled with a smile. He clicked on the show and lean back into the pillow.

I wanted to get revenge.. I knew Dream was coming.. I could hear his foot steps above me.. "Sapnap.. I need to ask you a question" I asked looking over at him.

He was focusing on the TV "yeah?" He asked "I need to have sex with you.." I said quickly taking off my shirt and crawling over him. "What no George" he spoke.

"Please" I said unbuttoning his pink shirt. "George.." he spoke with a gulp. I sat up on his lap and looked into his eyes and whispered "were not actually.. just play along.." I said as I started to grind my hips up against him purposely missing his cock.

I then started to fake moan as I looked into his eyes. Sapnap put his hand around my tiny hip as he moved me over his crotch and grinded me against it. "Sapnap we don't have to-" I whispered as I let out a small groan.

"Shh" I looked at him and gulped as I gripped into his shoulders as he dried humped me. I moaned and flung my head back slightly

I then screeching of a door opening.,

I knew.. it was Dream..

I smirked "oh fuck nick.." I spoke as my sentence trailed off into a sluttish moan.

Dream then kicked the door open. His body was filled with anger..I jumped and looked over at him "what the hell!" I yelled. "Who the fuck is this man" he asked lookin at me.

"Fuck off okay!" Dream looked at Sapnap and notice he was the guys I had kissed right in front of Dream when they were looking for me. "Oh you mother ducking bitch" he said storming over to us.

"Why do you even care!" I yelled. "Being gay is gross!" He yelled grabbed me and throwing me off the bed. "Ow you prick!" Dream then grabbed Sapnaps shirt and forcefully put it on him.

"Thanks for putting at me shirt" he said patting Dream back and walking back upstairs. Dream knew he couldn't touch or mark him in any way, or he would be known as the abusive king.

He has worked his whole life to be known for the nice and smart king but if he laid any hands on any citizen he would be known as cruel. "What the hell is your deal!" He yelled looking back over at me.

"What do you mean whats my deal! You just stormed in here thinking Your the shit and interrupted us!" I yelled "BEING GAY IS A SIN!" He yelled back. "WELL FUCK THAT RULE AND WHO EVER MAN IT! I'm gonna fuck, im gonna kiss any man I want to" I said pointing my index finger at me.

"No you will not!" "and why not!" "Because you belong to me!" He said stepping closer to me. "I don't belong to your filthy ass!" "Yes you are! You signed up for this job"

"Fuck off!" I yelled throwing a pillow at him. He stepped closer grabbing my neck and squeezing, he knew I was to big of a pussy to announce the harassment..

I looked at him and gripped onto his wrist trying to pull his hand off my neck so i could breath. He then let go and...

Kissed me..?

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