30. Thinking & Resting Pt.2

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While Jay left with Cindy.  We left with  Antonio and Kevin to go to the farmer's market and to the grocery store.
"Cindy what about this one?" " Jay that is just way too big.  Think smaller, hospital room,people need to walk around to help her." "Much better." We went next to the international market to buy the crackers, basket, cheese and fruit. We drove back to the house and waited for the guys to come back.  They left and we couldn't get in. Cindy text Kevin. "They are nearby."   We all unloaded the vehicles.  The brothers started making the stew for everyone with fresh bread. "Jay we are making enough for you and Jane to eat while MA and Jane take the rest of the basket to the cafeteria to eat or outside."  "Thanks, I really appreciate it."  I worked on washing all the fruit and letting them dry.  Cindy helped me arrange the items in the Basket.   Cindy and Kevin went out in the back than Antonio joined them. I knew what they were doing.   I learned how to make fresh bread that the guys bought the dough made already,  since they didn't have time to make it from scratch.  Frankie, Tommy and I talked and they told me some of their childhood stories. While we were outside,  we could here the laughing and teasing. " I am glad to hear and see them getting along.  Jay wad kinda worried last night after they sorta threaten him. He said they told him either to leave or if he cared to stay and be there.  They also made sure to forewarned him. If he hurts her, they will deal with him."  "Cindy I did the same with the guys my sister dated, but I was older. "  "I am younger but did the same for my older sister and still do."   The guys finished cooking. "Cindy we will wait for you to return before we sit down for lunch."  Cindy took the arrangement and floral arrangement while I carried the picnic basket. " They are not bad after all. I understood what they meant last night. I  now know how to make beef stew a quicker way and still taste good. They said ,Angela taught them how to cook along with their Nani."  " I am glad you getting along and not apprehensive anymore." Cindy goes upstairs with me to carry the items. "Aye you all, Jane how you feeling? I  am dropping him off. Call me when you are ready." "Thanks Cindy. A little sore but better." I left and headed back to Maur's place. We smile when we see what Jay brought for her and she cries a little.

" I had picked out a bigger one but Cindy said people needed to move around to help you

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" I had picked out a bigger one but Cindy said people needed to move around to help you. I  downsize on.my thinking big time."

"All of the fruit has been washed

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"All of the fruit has been washed.  The basket is for you three m I figured you might want some cheese. crackers and fruit while you are here. I would eat the cheese today. I couldn't bring a refrigerator with me too." Thank you Jay I love it."
Maur places the flower arrangement on the side table while MA opens the basket.

"Maur places the flower arrangement on the side table while MA opens the basket

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"Jane I am going to kill your brothers. Well mainly Tommy.I  taught these boys not leave bread like this. " "MA no you won't.  They are just being quirky and left the bread like this to get at you and it worked."  Maur and Jane took our items out and left with their items.   " Jane I learned how to make beef stew quickly. Your nani and Angela definitely taught them well." 

The nurse comes in

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The nurse comes in. "I see why your brothers asked us last night in what you could eat for lunch. It smells delicious. Enjoy your food but only one bread roll." " Nurse Smith can you please bring us some butter.  They forgot that." "I will be back in a few with your butter. "  Nurse Smith hands Jay the butter.  We both thanked her.
In the meanwhile, I returned and enjoyed the lunch the Rizzoli men cooked.  " I want this recipe. " " We don't give out Nani's recipes but choose a day. we can go to your home or you can come to my condo. Tommy and I will cook it together with you and Kevin."
" Its a deal."  The guys cleaned up and started prepping for dinner. 

Jane and I were enjoying the food.  I told her brothers had me laughing telling me stories about them growing up. " If my brothers told you anything embarrassing.  I am going to kill them myself. "  "Jane no embarrassing stories alot about your family plumbing business and when you played softball. "   " Well tell me some of your childhood stories. I  know have no siblings but there has be some stories." I recalled several stories and she laughed.  "Okay, enough about things that will make laugh.  It hurts to laugh."
Maur and I decided to sit on the grass to eat the lunch the boys made us. " I am ao proud of these boys but still going to kill Tommy.  They have mother's recipe down.  Even though they didn't make the dough themselves,  the bread still has a good taste."  Angela and I conversed and reminiscence about when I met them and how dorky I was. We saw Jay come down and got up. " How did the visit go?"  "It went well. thank you for asking.  I will take the basket, bowls and silverware back.  I  won't see you until you return to town. i have a big deal coming that I cannot postpone.  Angela it was a pleasure to finally meet you. "  " Well you don't be a stranger Jay." " I  won't. " She hugs me and I reciprocated it. Cindy and I wave good bye. " How did it go?" "It went well.  I told her I wouldn't be able to see her again until she returns back home. I have that big deal that I cannot postpone.  YOU know how long I have been working on it and catering to this buyer for the sellers."  " Yes,  you will nail it."

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