spectator [kuroo tetsurou]

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From the start you were never the one to be chosen by him. It was always her. Alisa. The epitome of beauty and the kindest of person you know. She wasn't hard to be loved for she already was.

It wasn't a surprise when they started dating they left you. You were just the bridge and the missing puzzle for making their relationship. The worst part is, you watched their love grow. Watching as they fell for each other. You were a shadow. A spectator of their relationship.

Nothing hurts more as the person you truly loved, loves your best friend. And who are you to destroy theirs.

Knowing from the start that it will only end up in hiding your pain. No one's gonna hear your pleas. No one's gonna wipe your tears for the exception of your pillows who's ready to catch it. The sound of silence welcoming your sobs while begging yourself to stop crying from a guy who will never like you.

It was delusional for you to think of helping Kuroo to win Alisa's love that he will fall for you in a short span of time. That everytime you two hang out he will realized that he liked you and not Alisa.

Some shit you had invented. Who would like you. You were just some disposable friend and a pushover. Kuroo had only went to you because he likes Alisa. End of story.

Alisa was always labeled as beautiful. Praised for her personality and you. They can't even call you pretty. Using the word "cute" so don't hurt your so called feelings. It was always Alisa. Alisa. Alisa.

Sometimes you wished you were her but you accepted a long time ago that you will never be her and you will never get the man you desired.

Kuroo had only approached you for Alisa. You and Alisa were best friends after all and nobody know than you how to woo Alisa and Kuroo had taken advantage of that. Without a second thought you accepted of helping him.

Making opinions on what things Alisa may like as a gift. The places that she would loved to be at. All the nice things and you gladly had done it. Helping your crush to win the person he liked.

The pain, sadness you kept it all. No one should know you.

Then the day you feared the most came. The both told you that they're dating. Hands holding in front of you. Thanking for your help. You smiled. Sincerely. Congratulating them both for their relationship. After that, you were treated like a stranger.

Alisa no longer hang out with you. Busy attending Kuroo's games and cheering for the team. You would come too but seeing them with each other is the thing you can't handle.

Tears rolled in your chubby cheeks. Smiling bitterly. If you only had the guts to pour the feelings you kept. If you were only true to your feelings it would not come to this. If you were just prettier he would choose you.

After all you kept those in silence. Loving him silently without the feeling of being rejected.

𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 [Various x Chubby Reader]Where stories live. Discover now