next in line [shiba taiju]

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contains spoilers

The ringing of bells reverberated throughout the church's yard. Signalling the exit of the newly married couple. There they stand in the tribune. The bride, Hinata Tachibana looking so breathtaking in her beautifully handsewn wedding dress and the groom, Hanagaki Takemichi reels from the blissful feeling of being married to his high school sweetheart.

You couldn't be more happier for the two. They truly deserve it for all the trials and tribulations they both faced in the past years.

As a respect and showing his gratefulness, Taiju Shiba had attended the wedding of his ex-rival with his significant other. The bastard made him realize and woke to his senses how violence wouldn't change the feelings of his siblings. He is happy as the two.

Taiju peered at his significant other besides him. Focused on the couple that are the star of the day. A contented smile etched in your face. Would you like to get married someday? He sometimes asked himself.

Marriage wasn't the topic you two had openly talked about, friends and acquaintances had already eloped together and you two were still the same. It wasn't the same as you two first met and started being in a relationship. Maybe you're both busy in talking about certain things such as marriage when you two owned multiple restaurants that are being dealt everyday but when the time's right. It will surely come and he's itching to pop you the question in his own way.

His siblings already bothering him, especially Yuzuha who's excited to be your sister-in-law. Hope it'll come sooner than later.

Funny, how him, Taiju Shiba would be a little over the edge of asking you the question of being his forever. To spend the rest of his life with you. He's itching to put a ring to your finger.

The announcement of the tossing of the bouquet from the bride had women bubbling in excitement. Waiting to be blessed by the fortune of good luck and hoped to be tied with someone forever.

Tapping his hands that is wrapped around your waist, you gained the attention of Taiju. Signalling him to let go of you as Yuzuha was showing irritation towards his older brother who was totally territorial of you. Hesitantly, he lets go of you but before that you tiptoes and kisses his jaw before getting quickly pulled away by Yuzuha to join the other women whose eagerly awaiting for the bride.

Taiju watches you walk away from him, Yuzuha tightly grips your hand. Taiju chuckles at his sister. The strong and stubborn blood running through their blood.

He can't help but to admire you. The powder blue, off shoulder dress moves slightly as you walked. Complimenting your beauty and the dress if filled out to the fullness of your body. The dress sticking to the shape of the voluptuousness of your body.

"No boobies for today." He remembers what you said earlier while getting dressed. "We're attending a wedding." Much to his displeasure, he'll get you later for that one.

"Are you ready everyone?" Hinata asked, a few excited shouts of yes echoed in the yard. Turning around she prepared herself to toss her bouquet. The tension builds with everyone as Hinata fakes tossing her bouquet before tossing it for real over her shoulders.

Not wanting to be caught with the other women whose too excited to catch the bouquet, you distanced yourself not bothering where the bouquet will land.

The bouquet glides in the air, the shrillness of the voice of the women drowns in your ears. You kind of extended your hands. You were kind of curious why you did that, hoping that the bouquet would randomly land on you or whatever?

On your peripheral vision, you saw the bouquet coming near you and it smoothly lands in your hands. Clutching the assortment of blossoms that are tied in a ribbon. You were surprised at what just happened. A few claps and a light squeal escapes from Yuzuha.

She held a surprised expression on her face and your mouth forming a small "o" before realizing of what just landed on you. Yuzuha excitedly hugs you, knowing what it fully means.

You were going to be her sister-in-law and she couldn't be more happier for herself and to her older brother.

And speaking of her older brother. She can see him already dead staring at you. A large or more like a crazed grin visible to his face. One of the signs of his excitement. His left eye getting bigger than the other one and the vein on his forehead popping.

You find his gaze and a sudden rush of embarrassment coursing through you. You're the center of the attention right now and Taiju's gaze making it much more difficult than it already was.

Still clutching the bouquet, you bashfully hid your face behind it. You inhaled and slowly exhaled, calming the nerves that's building.

With a final breath, you pressed the bouquet to your chest. You look at again to Taiju and his hand were already pressed in his forehead. The habit he's yet to abandon. The habit reminds you when he was younger and it brings a lot of memories. It looks like he's going berserk again and a brawl is starting.

Taiju let's out a loud chuckle, startling you a little.

"About damn time!" He shouts. A few whispers can be heard throughout the area.

You took a few tentative steps forward to go to him but with Taiju, he's already starting to go forward, his large steps closing the distance between you two.

He stands before you, studying you. His stature already towering over you and his gaze meets yours, pressing your soft body against his muscular ones.

His hand holding your back, his other hand cups your soft jaw before pulling you in a kiss. His lips crashing into yours. Forgetting the people that surrounds you both.

The kiss deeply reflects his entire personality. Harsh and brutal but with this it's full of love that only this way he can show you how deeply he loves you.

It deepens and feeling it will stay longer. You wrap your free hand behind his nape while the other hand that holds the bouquet covers both of your faces as you two drowned in each other's kisses.

"You brute." You murmur between kisses. Taiju laughs.

"Interested spending your life to mine, Mrs. Shiba?" He asks, confidence pumping inside him.

"Mrs. Shiba?! Of course, took you long enough, dummy." You replied.

Taiju laughs one again. Dipping for another kiss again which you gladly accepted.

You stopped him, "Come on, Taiju. We're stealing the spotlight from those two. Save it for later." Kissing his cheek.

Taiju went to find Takemichi and after catching his sight. Taiju shot him a smile.

"We're waiting for that invitation!" An unknown voice screamed. It was followed by various cheers of invitation and congratulations.

Hinata smiled brightly more than ever. Tightly holding Takemichi's arm. She giggles. "I'm happy for those two, Takemichi."

"I am too, they're quite the pair." Hanagaki commented.

This day couldn't get anymore better. They both thought.

Quick question: How was my first Tokyo Revenger fic?

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