Rain (Benimaru Shinmon x Chubby Reader)

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A/N: Yeah. I'm adding Fire Force and Demon Slayer to the anime I'm gonna write about.

Puddles scattered around the street as the rain falls nonstop. Followed with a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder. Asakusa is more beautiful when it’s raining. This is also the time where there’s a small chance of human combusting in their residence. Guess rainy days are better than the sun blazing in the earth but Asakusa was more bustling and loud when there’s no rain.

You continued to walk in the wet ground with the smell of the earth in the rain. Letting the droplets drenched your whole body as you paved the streets of Asakusa. A contented smile present in your lips. You’re not afraid of getting caught by the Captain of the 7th and besides it was raining there’s no fear of sudden emergency at the town of Asakusa. Your captain was in-charge of putting those people at rest. You were just there for healing the injured, if there’s any and assessment of the damage.
It was no chance the 7th would accept you warmly with Shinmon Benimaru as the captain. Even if you have grown up in Asakusa. You have trained in the 4th and after graduation you were assigned back in your hometown. He wasn’t happy with you tagging along with those imperial dogs and also called you as one. In that moment you knew you have to work than anyone else to make your Captain accept you. After working for months and proving yourself that you are no lap dog of the imperial he acknowledged you. He gave you one of the most rare smile of his along with Konro who was patting you in the back.

The memory you have with your Captain made your heart skip a beat. Your insides warming like a soft duvet being wrapped around, bringing you comfort all over ypur body. You can say you have this small crush at your captain but regarding to your position and your figure. 

You were soft. Thick all over your body. Having thighs with no gap. A soft middle and a round face. No one believed you when you decided to train at the 4th , saying that your physique is not appropriate to be a fire soldier and that you were a woman. Your remaining family agreed to it. Deciding enough is enough, you left. The people in the academy painted their faces in disbelief. There have been no woman such as yourself trained in the academy. You were very much out of place they would say but you brushed it off. Saying it was for yourself on what you are doing and there opinion doesn’t matter. After those grueling years you’ve spent in the academy it all paid off. You were a fire soldier under Benimaru’s command and that’s all mattered.

The rain pouring brought you back from all those memories. It’s all in the past now and the present is all that mattered.Benimaru’s gaze followed you as you happily skipped in the puddles. You were like a kid. Happily skipping and jumping all over the water. Benimaru wouldn’t like this attitude but he let it slide. This is the only time where he can see you all carefree unlike that tense form you always sport on being in duty. As if you were intimidated in his very presence or you lack the confidence you needed.

“Happy, ain’t she?” Konro commented. Joining Benimaru in the room where they’re looking at you.

“Yeah.” Benimaru shortly replied, not bothering to look at Konro who was looking at him. Studying his face for a change of expression but it only remains the usual.

“You like her, don’t you Waka.” The lieutenant casually said it to Benimaru.

An annoyed look morphed in his face as he looked at Konro. “Who says, Konro?”

“Me. Everybody. You’re not good at hiding Beni. You’re that honest. Everyone can see how you treat the girl. I caught you staring at her a few times and I know that look Beni, it’s more than fondness.”

His mismatched eyes glints. What Konro said was right. He cared for you more that his people. He feels great when you’re at his side or with the twins. Hika and Hina had told him how much you loved them. Spoiling them with sweets even having a extra pocket for the sweet treats you have and only give it for them later as a surprise and those different hair styles that you have done to their hair everyday even when it’s his job to do their hair. He even walked in the three of you sleeping. The twins sleeping soundly with them both by your side. Your hands in their back. Tracing circles in their back to make their sleep much better. The sound of your laughter followed by the twins ringing in the hallways. If that’s really true. He’s down bad. Actions don’t lie and maybe it’s time to settle up this burning feeling.

Konro watched as Benimaru have gone down in the flight of stairs. He knows Benimaru need a little push from him to admit that he really likes you.

Benimaru stepped out. Rain drops soaking his hakama and to his shirt. Cold wind blowing in the streets as he sees you there. Don’t you get cold? He wants to ask you but seeing your situation, you were happy. Standing there with your eyes closed, face upwards. Your arms raising slightly as you were like scooping the rain drops that falls upon you. Hair slick with a few stray hairs framing on your round face. Your black shirt clung to your figure. Showing the body that he loves the most. You were beautiful and he can’t deny that.

You weren’t shivering even in the cold rain and he wonders why. Perhaps it was for your fuller frame or you have enough fire in your life from your job. That sometimes you need something to cool the heat in your system. Water extinguish the fire and that’s true. Benimaru had never met someone who loves the rain as you.

The sound of footsteps, followed by splashes and you still stand there. You don’t care who was creating that sound and you continued to be hit by the rain drops. You don’t shy away from the things that people avoid. Rain is meant to be felt and that’s the way you like it.

The footsteps came to stop a halt and you wondered who was it. Maybe a resident who just got lost or a kid. You don’t know. You only know that someone will tell you that you’re an idiot standing in the middle of the road getting soaked by the rain.
You opened your eyes out of curiosity and offered the help if they need something. Your eyes widened at your Captain  who standing in front of you. His gloomy expression matching the weather as he stares at you. Suddenly you felt embarrassment all over your body. Having the urge to cover yourself in front of him. The coldness settling all over you when you met his stare at you. Standing stiffly in front of him. You prepared for the worst. He’s going to punish you or worst. You don’t want to think about it. Your heart beating fast in every breath you take.

Sighing, Benimaru tsked before saying, “Aren’t you getting cold?”
You shaked your head. You want to ask him if he was but it’s his fault or your fault stepping on this weather. You know that he just cared for the whole brigade including you.

Annoyed how you were acting around him. Benimaru gently touched your chin. He can see the droplets cascading on to your chubby cheeks. You felt insecure as he touched and stared at you like he was judging your whole being. A drop of water coming to his drenched hair came rolling on your face.

“I’ve always wanted to do this to you for a long time but I need to court you before doing this but it’s look like this will be going first before courting you.” He whispered. You stare at him confuse before he leaned on to kiss you.

Pressing his lips to your soft ones. This kiss was better than what he imagined. You were warm even for the long time you were doused in the rain. Kissing you felt like you were the oasis in the desert that can quench his thirst and the first rain in a very long drought.

Benimaru have to let go even he don’t wants to. It looks like you were still processing on what happened. When realization hits you. The world seems to spin around you as you touched your lips. Did your Captain just kissed you or you were getting delusional one being out on the rain for too long but he’s standing in front of your. His muscles is well defined in the his soaked clothes and his red mismatched eyes is looking at you. Smiling at you. Anticipating on what you should do.

“You like me?” Your lips trembling on what Sol’s name have caused to your Captain to do this to you. The rain stopped as you were asking the question to him.

“Would I kiss if I didn’t like you? Come on (Y/N), you’re one of the smartest person in my brigade.” He said nonchalantly as if he was teasing you.

“Let me kiss you again and I’ll properly court you.” This is tsill your captain. Courting you at this era and day where everybody rush things.
Benimaru wrapped his arm around your plush waist and his other hand on the base on your neck. Leaning towards to kiss you which you gladly accepted.

“YAY!” Two voices shouted in the second floor in the house. Hina and Hika have seen the whole ordeal and it’s bad. They’re gonna be much clingier to you and him.

A few shouts and cheers erupted in the whole area. It was mostly the crew of his. Wishing him the best of the best for the union he will create with you.

Benimaru can see Konro smile with the twins. Mouthing a thank you for pushing his luck with you.

𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 [Various x Chubby Reader]Where stories live. Discover now