Chapter Eight

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     Since Christabel wasn't given much notice before the Yule Ball, she had to allow her mother to pick out her dress and all of the accessories. Seeing as she wasn't there to reign her mother in, Narcissa went way overboard with the dress and everything she wanted to go with it. Even though Lucius despised Christabel, Narcissa wanted her to look perfect. Well, Lucius may despise Christabel and Amara, but he wanted both of his children to look perfect and look better than everyone else at the ball. No amount of hatred towards his daughter and grandchild would ever allow the man to ever have one of his children look "bad," "poor," or "less-than" any of the other students at Hogwarts.

     Once Christabel finally had her dress and all of her accessories on, she decided she had to get to the Great Hall. She didn't want to go, but it was now or never. She really didn't get a choice in the matter. Besides, if she didn't go, she knew the twins would figure out a way to get into the Slytherin common room and ultimately get into her room. She really didn't want to discuss why she had kept Amara a secret from them, not yet anyhow. She knew one day she would, but she didn't want that to be anytime soon.

       Kissing her daughter lightly on the forehead, the oldest Malfoy child made her way out of her dorm and out of the Slytherin common room. As she was headed to the Great Hall, she was stopped by Professor Mcgonagall. Mcgonagall was dressed fairly nice, but she seemed to also be dressed close to how she normally would as well.

"Miss Malfoy, I wanted to let you know that by the end of this school year, if all of your grades are intact as they seem to be staying now, you will be able to graduate early. You'll still have to wait to finally be able to apparate and do magic outside of school, but once you turn seventeen, I will come to you and help you learn to apparate correctly," Mcgonagall stated, and Christabel grinned.

"I would be able to graduate two years early?" Christabel questioned, making sure everything she heard was correct.

"Yes, Miss Malfoy, but only if all of your grades are as perfect as they have been since you started doing everything on your own. You will be taking all of your tests the last two weeks of the school year, if your grades are perfect," Mcgonagall replied, and Christabel nodded quickly.

"I promise they will be perfect," Christabel said, as she smiled at Mcgonagall.

      As she and the Professor were about to part ways, the Professor called for her once more.

"Yes?" Christabel chimed, as she looked over at the Professor.

"Your dress is amazing, Christabel. Your mother truly outdid herself with yours and Draco's attire for the ball," Mcgonagall commented, and Christabel blushed slightly.

"Thank you, professor. You look amazing as well," Christabel replied, before turning away and walking towards the Great Hall.

      The more she thought about graduating early, the more she felt her heartbeat speed up. She was excited to have the opportunity to graduate early, and she was not letting anything take that opportunity away from her. She had worked so hard to make sure everything in her life worked the way she needed it to, especially after she became pregnant with Amara and had a few setbacks, so she was not letting this opportunity slip from her grasp.

"I've got to remember to tell mum," She whispered to herself, as she finally came close to the Great Hall.

      As soon as Fred seen Christabel, his eyes went wide and his jaw hung open. He couldn't believe his and George's best friend could dress so amazingly. She was absolutely breathtaking. If he didn't love her like a sister, he sure would have a thing for her now. She was absolutely beautiful, and everyone around could see that.

     When she and Fred walked into the room, many heads turned their way. Christabel could feel all of the glares she was getting from the other girls, as well as all the longing looks she was getting from so many of the boys. The duo made their way over to George and Angelina, who were waiting on them by the food table.

"Wow, Christabel, you look amazing," Angelina commented, holding back the jealously that was obvious on so many other girls' faces.

"Thanks, so do you," Christabel replied, though Angelina could barely believe her, seeing as Christabel's dress looked way more ex than everyone else's.

"I didn't think you'd find a dress with how late Fred asked you," George joked, causing Christabel to roll her eyes.

"I didn't find a dress or any of this, my mother did. Since it was such short notice, everything was left in my mother's hands, meaning she got to choose everything without me telling her it was too much. At least Draco was able to reign her in for himself," Christabel said, though the pang in her heart was noticable as she looked over at her little brother.

"Your mother did a pretty good job if you ask me. My date's the hottest one here," Fred commented, and Christabel simply giggled and smiled at the redhead.

"Thank you, Fred. You look dashing as well. At least one of you twins is chivalrous," Christabel retorted, as she narrowed her eyes jokingly at George.

"I'm sorry, Queen Bel, I forgot to tell you how great you looked. Though, I thought it was obvious when you look around and see all eyes were on you," George replied, as Angelina nodded in agreement.

"But hearing it from my best friends makes me feel pretty, and not like a piece of arse," Christabel said, as she crossed her arms.

"I have to agree, all the boys' eyes on her are obviously not friendly," Angelina added, as she scanned the room.

"Well, you'll just have to make the best of it, love," Fred commented, as he pulled Christabel on to the dance floor.

     Maybe the ball wasn't going to be so bad after all...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I was so unsure of what dress to put her in, so I just chose the first one I saw that I thought would be something Narcissa would choose for her daughter. Also, Rest in Peace Helen Mccroy, you will be truly missed by so many. Wands up everyone.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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