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"I already fix the room so you can use it-"

"So you already knew that I'll be staying here?" Wonwoo raises a tone.

Seungkwan ignores him and keeps on dragging the luggage up to the living room. "I only have one room but you can use it. I can sleep here," he says while gesturing at the couch. "Mr. Jeon told me that you'll be staying here just for the meantime so I don't think it's a bother for the both of us."

"You should've said no instead of agreeing with them." Wonwoo complains. He really hates the idea of staying with Seungkwan.

"It's hard to reject your parents. It was short notice-"

"No. Stop." Wonwoo cuts him. A cocky grin draws on his lips and he ended up creating a mocking laugh. "Don't tell me you still like me? After all these years, it looks like you're still crazy over me for you to agree with this-"

"No." Seungkwan cuts him this time. A smile forms on his lips, he's not showing any pressure on his face as he looks at Wonwoo straight in the eyes. "I don't. It's been years and there's already a lot of things that have changed while you're gone. I'm over you."

Wonwoo shut his mouth close, eyebrows knitted. For some reason, he feels annoyed with Seungkwan's response.

"I was just a dumb kid back then. Everything was platonic. I already grew up, hyung. If you're still disgusted by me, you don't have to worry now." Seungkwan adds. "Also, Mr. Jeon he'll pay half of my rent if I let you live here so I agreed."

"I hate you." Wonwoo mumbles, eyes still furious.

"I hate you as much."

Wonwoo's body went stiff. He didn't expect those words to come from Seungkwan. If he was Seungkwan years ago, he would probably cry but what he is seeing now is a total contrast. Seungkwan is smiling.


11:08 PM

Wonwoo suddenly feels thirsty and decides to sneak outside the room to fetch himself a bottle of water. It was already an hour since he and Seungkwan arrived at their shared place. He's thinking that Seungkwan might probably be asleep now.

As soon as he opens the door, he was greeted by a silent living room. There's no Seungkwan at all. He didn't really mind seeing Seungkwan.. or does he?

With a shrug, he goes straight to the kitchen and reaches for the fridge. He grabs a bottled water and consumes it but he drops it on the floor when a loud thud from the door startles him.

"Seungkwan!!" a guy yells Seungkwan's name while running inside.

Wonwoo was surprised and almost jump off from his spot when a white puppy run across the room and attacks his bare feet playfully, tail wagging excitedly.

"Bookkeu!" the same guy who yells Seungkwan's name calls out on the puppy. He hurriedly runs towards Wonwoo and carries the puppy to his arms. "I'm sorry. Are you startled-"

"Who are you? How can you just barge in here like that?" Wonwoo furiously asks.

"I'm sorry-"

The toilet's door open, revealing Seungkwan. Upon seeing Wonwoo and the said guy, his eyes turn wide.

"Mingyu!" Seungkwan rushes to the tall guy. "Why are you here- Oh." he stops as soon as he saw the white puppy. He bites his lower lip out of guilt and scratches the back of his head while turning his head back to Mingyu. "I forgot to get Bookkeu. I had a long day you know.."

Seungkwan awkwardly giggles while Mingyu glares at him. "I had a long day babysitting Bookkeu as well!"

"Sorryyyy~" Seungkwan took Bookkeu from Mingyu's hand and pouts. "I'll get back to you, don't worry."

"Who are you?" Wonwoo interferes, eyes on Mingyu then turn to Seungkwan. "How can a guy just barge in here?"

Seungkwan's smile fades. "He's my friend. There's nothing to worry about it."

Wonwoo and Seungkwan create another tension and Mingyu can feel it so he steps forward to get in between them. He wraps an arm around Seungkwan and drags him a bit backward to create some space between him and Wonwoo.

"Don't worry, I'll knock next time." Mingyu says then apologizes for his sudden intrusion. He leans towards Seungkwan and whispers to his ears. "Who is he?" he asks, referring to Wonwoo.

"Oh. An old friend. He will be staying here for some time." Seungkwan explains while gesturing to Wonwoo who's glaring at both of them. "He's mad at everything so don't mind him."

"Yah, Boo Seungkwan!" Wonwoo complains and he gains a bark from the little puppy. He glares at it before turning back to Seungkwan. "I can't live with a dog."

Seungkwan knows it. Wonwoo hate dogs for how much he loves it. He purses his lips and pauses for a while before sighing. "I know. Bookkue will stay at Mingyu's for a while."

"What-" Seungkwan shuts Mingyu with his finger and mouthed the word 'Please'.

Mingyu never rejects Seungkwan's favour so eventually, he nods with an agreement.

Seungkwan smiles at him before turning back to Wonwoo who's now looking at them with crossed arms. "It's settled."

"Good." Wonwoo says without even showing small gratefulness when Seungkwan did a lot in favour of him.

"Alright." Seungkwan mumbles when his stomach rumbles. "I'm hungry."

"You skipped dinner again?"

"I forgot-"

"You always do." Mingyu scolds before turning his back and proceeds to the fridge. "Go sit, I'll cook."

Seungkwan didn't argue because he knows that he can't win with Mingyu this time. He glances at Wonwoo and let Mingyu do his work. "Do you want to eat?"

"No thanks." Wonwoo says before leaving and walks straight into his room.

Seungkwan makes a face before sitting on one of the chairs and watches Mingyu take over in the kitchen.

"Seungkwan-ah." Mingyu speaks up as he starts preparing a simple dinner. "Are you alright? I mean, are you okay staying with him? He looks rude and you know.."

"I've lived with him for years back then, I can handle a short period this time." Seungkwan says.

Mingyu went silent after that. He doesn't know who Wonwoo is but Seungkwan did mention a guy he lived with years ago. So that is him?

So he's Seungkwan first love?

"What the hell are they talking about?" Wonwoo mumbles to himself, ears flat on the wooden door as he tries his best to eavesdrop even though he can't really hear anything. In the end, he gives up and throws himself on the bed, feeling uneasy.

"Who the fuck is that guy? He suddenly appears out of nowhere." He mumbles again, irritated this time.

An image of Seungkwan smiling fondly at Mingyu crosses his mind and he feels his inner boiling. He doesn't know why he feels annoyed and he hates it.

"Can I just go back to Japan?"

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