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Seungkwan was walking in the hallways when he felt a weight on his shoulder, it was Mingyu resting his arms on him.

"You're having lunch? or library?" Mingyu asks him while walking, still not taking off his arms from Seungkwan.

"Library.. while having lunch."


"I forgot that you're always this sneaky," Mingyu mumbles as he watches Seungkwan fishes out his sandwich from his backpack. He offers the other one to Mingyu and the guy didn't reject it.

Seungkwan shrugs his shoulder and takes a bite while opening one of the books that is piled in a tower beside him. He chooses the isle where students seldom visit and settle there, both him and Mingyu sitting on the ground between shelves of books. It's one of the best areas where he can sneak his food.

"Anyways, you were the talk of the university. Didn't you know?" Mingyu says then munches on his sandwich given by Seungkwan.

"What? I'm not aware of that? But why-"

Mingyu huddles beside him and sits closer to Seungkwan. "Well, they said someone fetches you last Tuesday with a nice car. I mean, most of them are not interested in the car, they were interested in that good looking guy."

Seungkwan stares at him with confusion and recalled Mrs. Jeon's birthday where Wonwoo fetched him at the university.

"You mean Wonwoo hyung?"

Mingyu looks at him. "Wonwoo? Your roommate- I mean, your boss?" he scoffs.

"Boss? What are you saying?"

Mingyu clicks his tongue and takes an aggressive bite on his sandwich. "You know I always barge in your apartment but I cannot do it now since I always worry whether he's inside or not. He's using your room and you sleep on the couch. You can't even let Bookkeu stay at the apartment just because he hates dogs. I mean, it looks like he's the one in command when it's your flat in the first place."

Seungkwan sighs. "I just have to do it. I don't have time to argue with him."

"But I have to agree that Wonwoo's good looking. I hate him but I have to give credit to his face."

Seungkwan shakes his head, Mingyu is talking nonsense again.

"You're surrounded by pretty guys, huh?" Mingyu teases him. "When I say pretty guys, of course, that includes me."

Mingyu gains a knock on his head. He groans while rubbing the spot where Seungkwan hit him. "You're so mean."

"You're so full of yourself." Seungkwan rolls his eyes but he has to admit that Mingyu's right. He's a pretty guy as well. He's quite popular too.

"Also, one member of the art club told me you were pretty popular back then? That's when you were dating that senior from the music department. That was Jun, right? I haven't seen him though, is he that handsome-"

"Can we not talk about him?" Seungkwan's voice changes suddenly. Mingyu's aware that he is deadly serious now.

"Right. Sorry."

"I can't believe you're into gossips. That's not quite fitting your image." Seungkwan mocks him.

Mingyu watches Seungkwan flip the pages of the book while consuming his sandwich. He looks exhausted. Seungkwan's been trying hard to live these days. Doing night shift work at his friend's pub and study all day. He just earns enough money for a living.

"Bookkeu misses you," Mingyu mutters. "But don't worry, Mom is taking good care of your pup."

Seungkwan closes his book and shot a glance at Mingyu, he puckered his lips and hug his knees. "I miss Bookkeu too. I should visit your house sometime. I also want to thank Mrs. Kim for fostering my pup for a while."

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