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"Happy birthday, Jeon Wonwoo!" Wonwoo's brother greets over the phone.

"Thanks, hyung." Wonwoo replies with a smile.

"I'm sorry I can't meet you for lunch. My wife's schedule for a checkup today."

"No, it's alright. Today's nothing special." He says while walking out of the building to head towards his car.

"Mom and Dad were both out of the country for the business trip, yeah? We can have dinner when they come back."

"It's fine. It's not like I'm not used to this."

"Wonwoo.." The older brother mutters. He sounds sorry.

"I'll hang up now, hyung. Thank you for the greetings." Wonwoo hangs up and gets inside his car. He stares at the bouquet of white roses in his hand and a small smile forms on his lips. "Will finally meet you."


Wonwoo fixes his hair as the wind blows into him. It was a chilly afternoon for a summer. He heads straight into the field full of graves and passes through several tombs until he reaches his destination.

Another tiny smile forms on his lips as he lays down the bouquet on the ground.

"Why so sudden Mrs. Boo? You should've waited for me." Wonwoo mumbles as he stares at the tomb. "You should have waited for me so you can scold me like you always do every time I make Seungkwan cry."

"But it was you, right? You're the one who doesn't want Seungkwan to be part of our family." Wonwoo inhales, trying his best to eliminate the lump on his throat. "You wanted him to stay as your son and I don't want him as my brother so we ended up like this. I always ended up hurting him. Now we hate each other. It looks like he hates me now more than I do."

"Seungkwan's still not coming home." He murmurs, head down. "Now that I'm alone, should I still push him away or just give up? Should I accept him as my brother?"

Wonwoo heaves a deep sigh and lifts his head. He stares at the clear blue sky and feels the wind blows and brushes onto his face. It was awfully comforting but there's still a heavy lump on his chest.

"I'm having a hard time Mrs. Boo. It wasn't just him who's having a tough time. I'm having it as well. Should I just drop what I promised you?"


Wonwoo shoves his wet hair off of his forehead and turns off the shower. He grabs his towel and dries himself for a bit before wrapping it to cover his lower part. As soon as he gets out of the bathroom, he saw the white kitten jump into the countertop of the kitchen. It stares at him and slowly took steps towards the sink filled with unwashed dishes.

"Hey Jack, don't go on the sink. You'll get your bandage wet- Jack!" He yells as the kitten ignores him and continues heading to the sink. He rushes towards it and his towel was hooked by the edge of the table and he turned completely naked. "Fuck."

He didn't mind being naked at all and grabs on the kitten in an instant. "Got you!" He says triumphantly and raises the kitten like it was some type of trophy. He was in so much glee when he almost stumbles from his spot when the apartment's door open revealing Seungkwan.




"S-seungkwan..?" Wonwoo finally learns how to speak after seconds of being frozen on his spot. He then remembers himself being naked. "Oh shit-" He curses and drops the kitten on the floor who immediately runs to the living room.

Seungkwan takes off his shoes and heads in. "Why you acting like I haven't seen that. There is nothing to be embarrassed-"

Wonwoo's eyes widen in disbelief. "That was like more than ten years ago. We're fucking kids back then, Seungkwan!"

"It still is the same, I mean, okay it grows in size but still pretty average-"

"Average?! This is average?!" Wonwoo outrages. He laughs sarcastically and places both of his hands on his waist and proudly shows Seungkwan his pride possession.

Seungkwan stares at it and shrugs off. That's Wonwoo's turn to get embarrassed. His body went full hot out of humiliation so he quickly grabs the towel on the floor and covers himself again.

"Y-you're back," Wonwoo says. After being gone for almost two weeks, Seungkwan's back again.


"Jihoon's been looking for you. He almost hired me to cover for your shift. Why didn't you tell anyone you'll be gone for almost two weeks?" Wonwoo says, sounding frustrated.

"I just needed some time alone. Also, what's with the cat?"

Seungkwan points out the cat totally changing the topic. They both stare at it. It's already sleeping on the table in the living room.

"Oh, just saw it somewhere. Injured. Took it home to foster for a while."

Seungkwan nods with a pout. He heads towards the living room and takes off his backpack and puts down the plastic bag on the table.

"I'm heading to sleep." Wonwoo says then starts heading to the room.

"Wait," Seungkwan calls him out making him stop for a second. "I bought some chicken and beer. Did you already had dinner?"

"Go eat it. I'm full."

"I can't finish this though."

"Then why bought a lot?!"

Seungkwan pouts. "Fine. I'll finish this. Go back to your bed Mr. Grumpy."

"I thought you're sleeping," Seungkwan comments as he sees Wonwoo walks out from the room and head towards him.

"I suddenly crave chicken." He simply replies and sits down on the couch beside Seungkwan. He grabs one canned beer on the table and opens it. He drinks almost half of it before taking his part of the chicken.

They were both silent for a while and the only noise filling the room is coming from the television. It doesn't feel awkward at all. They found themselves at peace.

Wonwoo almost forgot how long Seungkwan was gone and how he disappears all of a sudden. It was just them sitting comfortably on the couch.

"Wonwoo hyung." Seungkwan mumbles.

11:54 PM

"Happy Birthday."

Wonwoo's body went stiff. His grip on the canned beer tightens. He slowly turns his head to glance at Seungkwan. The guy runs towards the fridge and comes back with a small strawberry cake on his hand.

"I bought this knowing you'll ignore my greetings today so you don't have to eat it. I'll finish it anyway," Seungkwan says as he places the cake on the table. He picks one fresh strawberry from it and takes it inside his mouth. He looks pretty satisfied with the taste. "Just don't get mad at me for greeting. Mom couldn't greet you today so I have to. Happy birthday, Jeon Wonwoo."

"Why did you suddenly disappear and come back like there's nothing happened? Do you really like acting kind? Stop it because it's annoying the hell out of me-"

"I can't stay mad at you," Seungkwan says almost whispering. He takes another fresh strawberry and consumes it again. "I saw you visit mom."

Wonwoo's grip on his canned beer tightens more. His hands were trembling.

"Thank you. She really wanted to see you before she left but failed. I know she's happy now."

11:59 PM

Seungkwan smiles once again as he runs his finger on the cake, taking an amount of white icing and rubs it on the tip of Wonwoo's nose. A grin on the corner of his lips shows as Wonwoo stares at him with disbelief.

"Happy Birthday!"

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