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"Boo Seungkwan! What's up?" Soonyoung greets Seungkwan who's busy wiping the bottles over the counter. It was his shift at Jihoon's pub.

Soonyoung hops on one of the stool and props his elbow on the counter and rests his chin on both of his palms, blinking cutely to catch Seungkwan's attention who's ignoring him.

"Yah, Boo Seungkwan!"

"Jihoon hyung is not here. Don't bug me." Seungkwan responds timidly.

Soonyoung pouts. "I'm not here for Jihoon. I had a long day and just wanna have some drink."

Seungkwan didn't answer back, instead, he gave Soonyoung his usual and waits for another customer to entertain but there's none.

"You had a long day as well?" Soonyoung asks while sipping on his glass, feeling the liquor run through his throat.

"Not just a day. A hell week."

"Oh dude, that's way terrible. Mind sharing?"

Seungkwan sighs before rolling his eyes. "I can handle my studies but Wonwoo hyung? I can't. He's giving me a hard time. It's already been a week and he's still being hard on me."

Soonyoung nods before taking another sip. "That's how he is. Nothing change."

"At least you did change." Seungkwan mumbles, avoiding Soonyoung's eyes.

Soonyoung went silent for seconds before he releases a sigh. "I'm sorry. I didn't even have a proper apology for what I did way back then. I was a total asshole making your middle school life that hard."

Yes. Seungkwan had a tough time during middle school. It was because of Wonwoo. The guy was always been hard on him ever since they were kids, bullying and outcasting him. Soonyoung and Jun as his friends always took part in making Seungkwan everyday life a hell. Jihoon's in their circle but he never lay a finger nor hurt Seungkwan verbally, it's not because he's being kind he just doesn't care at all.

Seungkwan had a quick flashback but he immediately shakes his head to remove the thoughts.

"Can we not talk about it..?" Seungkwan mumbles once again.

Soonyoung notices how Seungkwan turns uncomfortable. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought that up."

"No. It's alright." Seungkwan replies with the corner of his lips curving into a small smile. "It's all in the past anyway. People change, maybe not all, but you did. I'm having a great time with all of you. That's what matters the most."

Soonyoung smiles back before finishing his drink.

"I just can't understand why Wonwoo hyung hates me so much. I already left the house and I assure him I will never agree to his parents with adopting me. Why is he still so mean to me?"

Soonyoung shrugs. "Maybe the Jeons are still determined to adopt you. That's why. But trust me, Wonwoo doesn't really hate you."

Seungkwan's eyebrows furrow. He looks at Soonyoung with disbelief and confusion. "You're just saying that so I won't hate him too much. Too late, he's really getting on my nerves now. I really really hate him."

Soonyoung sighs before he laughs playfully. "Wonwoo is smart. Everyone knows that. But he can be dumb most of the time." His laughs turn into a grin. "He really hates the idea of you being his brother."

"Well, I don't want to be his brother as well. And what about him being dumb?"

"Maybe he wants you to be his something else and too dumb to act on how to."

"What do you mean?"

Soonyoung just shrugs his shoulder, his grin getting naughtier. It seems like he's playing dumb. He knows but rather not say it.

Which annoys Seungkwan


It was already past twelve when he got home. With a yawn, he presses the passcode and enters with all his remaining strength. He feels drained and tired. Thinking that he has a class early in the morning sickens him more.

He was about to throw himself on the couch when he heard a loud breaking of glass in the room and a squeaking noise. He hurriedly runs towards the door and enters.

His body went stiff. He can't find the power to take a step backwards.

"The fuck, Seungkwan! Shut the door!" Wonwoo yells at him.

There's a girl naked, on top of Wonwoo who the guy immediately covered with the blanket.

Seungkwan blinks and turns back to reality.

"S-sorry.." he mumbles before shutting the door close again.

"You didn't tell me, you live with someone!" the lady complains while wearing her red dress back. She grabs her pouch on the floor, avoiding the shattered glass from the lampshade.

"You didn't ask," Wonwoo said while getting himself clothed as well.

The girl rolls her eyes before storming out of the room and Wonwoo follows her.

Wonwoo's eyes wander to the living room. Seungkwan isn't there.

Wonwoo follows the girl until it walks out from their unit without a goodbye, looking pissed. He didn't walk her into the hallways when he saw Seungkwan crouching just outside their door.

"What are you doing there?" Wonwoo asks, arms crossing.

Seungkwan lifts his head, he glares at Wonwoo and stands up. "You can't just bring home any girls you want. You're not living alone! Also, it's still my apartment!"

Wonwoo doesn't look bothered. "You freely gave me the room so I can have my privacy."


"You agreed with Mom and Dad to let me live here with you, right?" Wonwoo clears. He takes a step forward, cornering Seungkwan on the wall. The hallway was quiet and no one's around since it's already past midnight.

Seungkwan can't utter a word when he felt his back touches the wall and when Wonwoo lowers his head leaving an inch of space between them, making his chest pound.

"Deal with it. Deal with everything I do."

Seungkwan was taken aback for seconds but then he pushes Wonwoo who didn't seem to budge. He frees himself and takes a few steps away from Wonwoo.

"Fine," Seungkwan says in a deadpan. "Do whatever you want. You always live like that. You're really an asshole."

Seungkwan faces his back on Wonwoo and starts walking away.

"Yah! Where are you going?"

"None of your business."

Wonwoo's eyebrow knots. He watches Seungkwan disappears into the hallway.

"Do whatever you want. You always live like that."

Wonwoo puts out a bitter smile. You're wrong. I can't do anything. I always live like how everyone wants me to.

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