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"I didn't prepare breakfast today, I woke up late. I'm sorry." Seungkwan says while tying his shoes, he is in a hurry after waking up minutes before his class starts.

"I never ask you to make breakfast," Wonwoo says as if it was the most obvious thing while fixing his necktie. He's ready for work.

Seungkwan stands up and faces Wonwoo. He looks uneasy and nervous. "Hyung.."

Wonwoo didn't say a word but he's listening so Seungkwan continues after faking a cough. "Uhm, can I ask for a favour?"

Wonwoo didn't respond again, he was checking his watch for the time.

Seungkwan lets out a sigh. He was expecting it anyway but he still feels disappointed. "Fine. I just tried anyway-"

"What is it?"

Seungkwan flinches and shot a glance at Wonwoo. "Huh?"

"The favour. What is it?" Wonwoo asks, now looking straight to Seungkwan.

"Are you sure? I mean-"

Wonwoo deadpans and starts walking to leave. "I'm going then."

Seungkwan was quick to grab the older's wrist to stop him. "No!" he immediately lets go of him after realizing his sudden action. He puckers his lower lip before finding another courage to speak. "Wait. Uhm. Later.." he pauses before looking straight to Wonwoo's eyes. ".. can you pick me up at Jihoon's after my shift?"

Seungkwan felt his chest pumps hard when Wonwoo turns silent. But he still gives it a shot, trying to convince him. "I know it's super late at night but can you?"

"Jun's been picking you up every day. I don't think I need to."

Seungkwan avoids Wonwoo's gaze. "He's the reason actually.." He looks down and fiddles his fingers out of uneasiness. "About him. The second chance I told him.. what I meant was to regain our friendship and is not about getting back together as a couple. I clearly told him that but I don't understand why he keeps pushing me to the edge."

The apartment went silent not until Seungkwan heard Wonwoo's footstep. He was walking away from him, back facing him. "Keep me out of you and Jun's sentiments. I'm not interested to get in between you two. Go talk to him. Don't use me to avoid him."


It's already two o'clock and Wonwoo keeps on losing his focus. He massages his temples and runs his fingers through his hair. "Fuck this. I can't work!"

"What's the matter Jeon Wonwoo?"

"Dad," Wonwoo mumbles as he saw his Dad comes into his office space. "Why are you here?"

"It's my building. Can't I visit you?" The old man said before sitting on the spare couch at the side. He crosses his legs and arms before looking at Wonwoo. "How was living?"

Wonwoo puts back his eyes on his table and tries his best to divert his attention to work. "I know you wanted to ask if Seungkwan's living fine. Oh well, he is and I'm not."

"I'm not here to talk about that."

"If you say so."

"Jeon Wonwoo." His dad says firmly and Wonwoo's aware that it's going to be a serious talk. "Your mom and I, we really want to adopt Seungkwan."

Wonwoo's hands turn into a fist, almost breaking his pen. He lifts his head and stares straight at his father. "Dad you know what my response would be, right? Can we stop talking about this? Mrs. Boo never wanted Seungkwan with another family-"

"I know he's capable of living but Seungkwan needs a home. Wonwoo, he's all alone now."

"Just as you said, he's capable. He can work for his living. No need to adopt that bastard." Wonwoo says as his fist tightens its grip.

"Seungkwan never did anything wrong to you. Why do you hate him so much?"

Wonwoo's fist loosens up. He was caught off guard. He puts back his focus on the papers on his table as a thought struck his mind. A question he wanted to ask Seungkwan as well.

"Did you ever ask him if he wanted to be part of the family?"


Jihoon enters his pub and saw Seungkwan who's by the counter and looking gloomy. He walks further and reaches for him. He hops on one of the stool and Seungkwan saw him in an instant. "What's with your face? Not feeling well."

"No. I'm fine hyung."

"So you were at Jeonghan's while you were gone huh? So how's that dipshit doing?" Jihoon asks as he props his elbow on the counter and rests his chin on his palm. Seungkwan was about to get him a shot glass but he rejects the offer. He doesn't want to get drunk for the night

"He's doing well. Seungcheol's still at California to work for his dad." Seungkwan informs with a slight smile on his face.

"How strong their relationship is."


They both share a giggle when Jihoon spots Jun on one of the tables talking to a couple of guys. "Also, you're always with Jun nowadays. Especially when you came back last week, he's been constantly waiting for you here to finish your shift. Is there something going on?"

Seungkwan's smile suddenly fades. "Nothing.."

"You've given him a second chance, right? How was it?" He asks as he senses that something seems off.

Seungkwan takes a short glance at Jun before opening up. "Hyung, I did give him a second chance but not to date again. That's the second chance for us to become friends just like what we are from the start. I.. I want to draw a line between us but he keeps on pursuing me."

"What's the matter? You still like him right? Don't be too hard on yourself. Jun already admit his mistakes and-"

"I know hyung. I have already forgiven him but.. I can't just put myself to trust him again. I love him. I did."

Jihoon understands Seungkwan. For those months he keeps on running after Jun for closure maybe puts him in the situation where he felt tired and given up. And about trust, that thing is hard to earn and he knows hard it is for Seungkwan when Jun was his first and it awfully turned out a mess. "Right. It's for you to decide. Your heart, your choice. Don't pressure yourself. Talk to him if you must." Jihoon checks his watch before smiling at Seungkwan. "Right. Your shift ends in ten minutes, you can go pack up."

Seungkwan serves his customers before vanishing away. He then appears with his casual outfit and a backpack hanging on his shoulder. He was about to head out when Jun came up and greets him.

"Seungkwan, are you done?"

Seungkwan avoids his gaze and he looks so uneasy. "Uh.. yeah."

Jun wrap an arm around Seungkwan's shoulder. He ruffles the younger's hair with a giggle. "Wanna grab some food before I take you home-"

"Seungkwan's going home with me."

They both turn their heads to see Wonwoo approaching them. The guy was quick to grab Seungkwan's wrist and pulls him from Jun's embrace.

"Wonwoo hyung..?" Seungkwan mumbles while staring at the newly came guy.

"Why are you here, Wonwoo?" Jun ask, a bit lost and confused.

"To take Seungkwan home?"

Jun's eyebrows knots, he suddenly feels annoyed. "I waited here for hours. Don't just show up and take him-"

"Jun hyung I'm sorry. I wanna go with Wonwoo hyung.." Seungkwan says.

"But I waited for hours-"

"Did he tell you to wait here?" Wonwoo asks and he didn't get any response because the answer is obviously a no. "So Seungkwan is coming with me."

Jun was taken aback that his response delays and watches Wonwoo drag Seungkwan out of the pub. "Yah, Jeon Wonwoo!"

Wonwoo keeps on dragging Seungkwan until they reach his car that is parked outside.

"Wonwoo hyung.. why are you here?" Seungkwan asks before they can enter the car

"To pick you up as you asked."

"But you said-"

"I haven't had dinner. Want to grab some before going home?"

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