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Wonwoo was busy doing his paperwork's when a knock interrupts him. It was his secretary who peeks from the door. "Good morning Mr. Jeon, can I interrupt you for a while?"

Wonwoo nods as he fixes his glasses. "Yes, why?"

"Well, there's this guy at the lobby who wants to get here. Do you happen to know this man named Kim Mingyu?"

Wonwoo's eyebrows furrow in confusion. Why is Mingyu here?

"Yes..?" Wonwoo answers as if he wasn't sure. Confusion was written all over his secretary's face.

The guy smiles awkwardly. "Should I tell the guards to let him up here?"

Even though he wasn't sure about Mingyu's sudden visit, Wonwoo nods again as he glues back his eyes on the papers on the table. "Yes, ah, it will be fine."

"Alright. Copy, sir."

It didn't take that long when the door opens again, it was Mingyu who came. He was holding a paper bag and he looks annoyed.

"Why the hell are you here?" Wonwoo asks as he watches Mingyu walk towards his table and places the paper bag on it.

"Here," Mingyu says.

"What?" Wonwoo asks as he eyes the bag, he rummages through it and he suddenly thought of an idea why Mingyu is there. "Where's Seungkwan? He should be the one delivering this-"

"Dude, your errand boy is sick. He just asked me a favour to take this to you." Mingyu says while pointing at the paper bag with the food inside. "Fast foods and restaurants offer food delivery, we're in a modern country, hyung! Why do you have to order Seungkwan around for this?"

Wonwoo takes out the food from the bag and faces Mingyu again. "Well.. is he really sick? Like sick?" He asks that made Mingyu more annoyed.

Mingyu rolls his eyes and faces his back at Wonwoo. He raises both of his hands as if he was surrendering. "You're hopeless. I'm done here. I still have a class, I'll get going. Also, don't you dare disturb him for the rest of the day. The guy needs to rest." He says and dashes off of Wonwoo's office.

"Hey, Kim Mingyu-"


Seungkwan wraps his arms on the warm cup of hot chocolate as he sips on it. He was covered with a blanket while he was crouching on his couch. His clogged nose make him feel really sick.

He was having a peaceful night when the door buzzer startles him. He shut his eyes close in frustration because he's too tired to stand up. He feels his whole body aching.

"I already told him not to come by. Hard-headed as always." He didn't stand and let the guy in, Mingyu knows his passcode anyways. He heard the door open and footsteps in. "Mingyu, I told you I'm fine- Wonwoo hyung..?"

"So you're really sick," Wonwoo comments and takes off his shoes before walking in.

"Why are you here?" Seungkwan asks while watching Wonwoo walks towards him and sits on the couch as well.

"Mingyu told me you're sick. Why didn't you tell me?"

"That's not necessary."


Seungkwan pouts and grips on his cup of hot chocolate. "It's just a fever. I got soaked in the rain yesterday after delivering your food for lunch."

"Umbrellas exist."

"I forgot mine, okay?"

Wonwoo shakes his head and places the plastic bag on the table. He takes out what's inside and pointed it out to Seungkwan. "Here's porridge and some fruits. Eat before you take your meds."

"Later." Seungkwan places his cup at the table as well and hugs his knees. He really feels cold.

"No. You eat now." Wonwoo says with authority in his voice. "Anyway, you can skip cleaning my apartment tomorrow and on Saturday so you can rest."

"I'll be fine by tomorrow-"

"No." Wonwoo cuts his sentence again. He sounds more serious than earlier. "Now go eat."


"Hyung, it's really late. Won't you go home?" Seungkwan asks as he watches Wonwoo clean the table.

"Nah. I'll stay. I'm too lazy to drive home."

Seungkwan's eyebrows furrow. He tilts his head with eyes still watching Wonwoo. "Uh.. can you sleep on the couch though?"


Seungkwan groans and shoulder drops. "Fine, I'll take the couch-"

"No. you're sleeping on the bed."


"With me."

Seungkwan went stiff and he blinks several times before he came up with a word to respond. "What..?"

Wonwoo faces him as he finishes tidying up. "What? I saw your new bed. It's bigger than before. We can share."

"I mean, you might catch a cold too."

"Well, catching a fever is a good excuse to skip a day of work."

Seungkwan rolls his eyes upon hearing Wonwoo's reason. "You're really an ass."

2:56 A.M.

The fucker said he can't sleep but look who's snoring. Wonwoo thought as he watches Seungkwan sleeping soundly beside him. They were separated by an inch of space, still enough for both of them not to get kicked off from the bed.

It's already three o'clock in the morning and I can't sleep. Damn it. Wonwoo curses. He feels tired but he can't sleep at all. It frustrates him to think of waking up early because of work.

With a sigh, Wonwoo reaches out to Seungkwan and checks his temperature with his palm. His temperature's not that high. I think he'll get well after a long rest. It made him feel at ease somehow. He somewhat feels guilty because it was just Seungkwan's first week working for him and he gets ill in an instant. Jihoon will probably scold me if he knew. That guy never admits he cares for Seungkwan but he does.

He felt Seungkwan shift. Wonwoo saw how Seungkwan grips on the blanket and it shows that he really is cold. He sighs as he decided to find another blanket to warm him up.

Wonwoo was about to stand up when he felt warm arms wrap around his waist. He felt Seungkwan's warm body against him, hugging him.

The younger guy snuggles on his arms and it made his whole body stiff. He can't move for a minute, his body is not responding and his mind is in chaos.

What's this?

Should I get off?

Can I throw off his hands?

He was thinking of getting away from Seungkwan's grip but his body's not responding at all. It feels like he wanted to stay there. With Seungkwan snuggling on him.

Seungkwan was really in deep sleep and he looks comfortable, Wonwoo can tell. He didn't notice the small smile escaping his lips as he pulls his right hand from Seungkwan's grip. He lifts the younger's head with his other hand as he spread his right so Seungkwan can use this arm as a pillow. Seungkwan seems to like it that he snuggles on Wonwoo's chest, arms still on the older's waist.

Wonwoo stays like that, silently watching Seungkwan cuddles him. He reaches for the guys head and shoves away the hair off of his face.

After minutes of running his fingers through Seungkwan's hair, he slowly dozes off.

Goodnight Seungkwan.

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