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"Is Jun already wasted?" Soonyoung asks.

"I think?" Jihoon responds while watching Jun gobble up another bottle.

"What's the matter with Wen Junhui?" Wonwoo asks, looking at Jun disgustedly. He got off work early when Jihoon invited him for a drink at the pub, telling Jun needs a companion for the night and there they are, sitting with the Wen Junhui.

"It's the Seungkwan thing, I suppose," Jihoon answers, emphasizing Seungkwan's name. That caught both Soonyoung and Wonwoo's attention.

"Seungkwan? The two talked already?" Soonyoung leans on him, ready for the gossip.

"I'm literally here." Jun's words were a bit slurry.

Soonyoung ignores him, attention still on Jihoon.

"Yeah, kind of? They both arrived here at the same time. Jun told me they talked." Jihoon says. "He apologized and well.. talked about second chances."

Soonyoung's eyes widen. He scoots to the couch nearer to Jun. "You really did ask Seungkwan for a second chance?"

Jun's getting dizzy with the alcohol intake but he's still sober. He can still see Soonyoung getting frantic. "I told him that I want him back. I'll work for it."

"Dude, you got some balls!" Soonyoung hit him on the shoulder, jokingly but was hard enough to make Jun glare at him. "After avoiding him for more than a year you finally had the courage. But still, fuck you!" he raises a dirty finger but laughs after. He and Jihoon witnessed how Seungkwan have suffered when Jun ended it all without any explanation and they can't blame the older, it's not that they don't care, they just don't want to interfere with their mess. Their mess, their handle.

Jihoon watches the crowd in his pub, he can see Seungkwan busy by the counter. He's pretty good at handling things, he doesn't look bothered at all after the talk with Jun.

"I.. I missed Seungkwan a lot." Jun mutters, finally letting go of the bottle in his hand. "I know I've been avoiding him for those months but it was hard for me as well."

The other three was silent, letting Jun talk his heart out. "I can't get myself meet nor sleep with anyone anymore. I tried but it feels wrong. It feels wrong that it's not him."

"Guys, I told you Jun was pretty serious with Seungkwan back then." Soonyoung interferes when Jihoon glares at him making him stop from speaking.

"I'm serious with him?! Who told you I'm not?" Jun complains at Soonyoung looking like he's sulking.

"I know." Jihoon agrees. "You were a changed man back then not until that night happened. Your eyes were only set to Seungkwan that's why I wonder how it ended up into a mess. Still your fault."

"Yes, I caught them making out a couple of times. Soonyoung adds up. "Jihoon's always busy that's why I'm the only one who always caught them in the act. Kinda gross. Jun taught Seungkwan a lot of dirty things."

"No. I also caught them once. Don't ask me where." Jihoon crosses his arms.

Jun pouts, he's getting red both from the alcohol and blushing. "Stop it."

"Fuck Junhui. It's disgusting, you're blushing?!" Soonyoung teases him. "I know you two did things more than just making out. I don't need to detail it out."

"Well, we did it a couple of times? I guess?" Jun chuckles, still blushing. But then his smiles fade. "But I know he kind of regrets giving everything with me. He trusted me, a lot. He also blames himself for what happened when it's all my fault in the first place-"

"Just getting some air outside." Wonwoo abruptly stands up and left. The other three watches him leave. He was silent throughout and it was never new to them but there's something off about him, Jihoon can tell.

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