Thirty Five

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"So.. you're coming back here?" Jihoon asks with arms crossed while looking at Seungkwan who's standing in front of him.

Seungkwan nods with a shy laugh.

"Why? Wonwoo can't fund you anymore?"

"He has his reasons.." Seungkwan pouts. "You can still reject me since you probably hired another guy."

Jihoon shakes his head. "No. I think it's fine. The new guy will probably agree with the shifting."

Soonyoung on the other side keeps on staring at Seungkwan and Jun can't help but keep himself from laughing. "Yah, Boo Seungkwan. Are you dating someone again?"


"There. What are those hickeys on your neck?" Soonyoung asks while pointing at the red patches on his neck.

"Oh.." Seungkwan's eyes widen in shock as he immediately covers it with his palm. His face turns red. "N-no. It's bug bites."

Jun can't help but laugh, gathering Jihoon and Soonyoung's attention.

"Why are you laughing Wen Junhui- Oh my." Soonyoung gasps dramatically. "Don't tell me, you two-"

"Shut up Soonyoung. That's not it." Jun shot a glare at the guy.

"Alright. Alright." Jihoon interferes. He knows how Soonyoung will blabber too much if he won't stop them. He ignores Soonyoung and looks back to Seungkwan. "You can start again here by next week. I'll arrange it."

Soonyoung keeps on asking Seungkwan questions but Jihoon was quick to drag him out of the pub. It leads to Seungkwan and Junhui alone inside.

"So.. I guess you two are really going fast huh." Jun teases him with a grin.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Bug bites?" Jun laughs again.

"Stop it!" Seungkwan blushes as he hits Jun's shoulder with his knuckles.

"So you two already did the.." Jun blinks while gesturing as if he's blowing someone. Seungkwan's ears turn bright red making Jun laugh more. "Oh my God, Seungkwan. Your face can't lie."

"Why do you have to ask.." Seungkwan mumbles, already annoyed.

"Fine. It's already obvious."

"Wonwoo's the one who always starts it to begin with."

"And you can't say no?"

"How can I- Well, y-you're right." Seungkwan avoids Jun's gaze, the blush on his cheek remains. "I mean, we just did it once and he keeps on teasing me with making out these past few days and look what happened. I didn't even notice it this morning," he adds while covering the hickeys on his neck.

"I didn't know Wonwoo's like that. Well, he did mess with a lot of girls but he sure adores you." Jun chuckles. "Anyway, are you sure your friend is fine babysitting with my kid?"

Seungkwan nods "I handed him your apartment this morning after you left. Don't ya worry. He's trustworthy." his eyebrows then furrow upon remembering what Jun told him. "So you said, the mother of the child hasn't been going home for three days. Doesn't she contacted you?"

"Nah. Her phone's off. She's really getting on my nerves." Jun sighs as he runs his finger through his hair. "I just need to show up on the emergency shoot last night and later I have this schedule 'till ten in the evening. Anyway, thanks for showing up even if it's short notice last night."

"It's fine. It's for the kid."

Jun can't help but smile. "Thank you, Seungkwan."


From: Kwannie

I'll make dinner tonight. See you~

"Why are you smiling?" Mr. Jeon asks while looking at his son, staring at his phone.


The old Jeon shakes his head and continues signing the papers on his table. "Anyway, wanna go home for dinner tonight? Mr. Park, Jinhee's dad is visiting, you can-"

Wonwoo shut his mouth close. He's already annoyed about where the conversation is going. "Dad, if it's still about the idea of dating Jinhee, Let's better stop here. I told you I'm not interested."

"But I told you, it's not a bad idea-"

"I'm going back to work." Wonwoo stands up from the couch and storms out of his father's office.

The old Jeon shakes his head with a hopeless laugh. "Jeon Wonwoo and his stubbornness, he sure got it from me."


"I'm fucking exhausted." Jun groans while punching the buttons of the passcode to his apartment. He enters his flat when he almost stumble to the ground when a tall guy appears from the kitchen.

"Oh hi!"

"Hi?" Jun awkwardly greets the guy. He then recalls the favour he asked Seungkwan. "Oh, are you Seungkwan's friend?"

"Yeah. Kim Mingyu." The guy smiles and offers his hand.

Jun accepts it with a smile as well. "Nice to meet you. Sorry I have to borrow your day. I just need someone for my son."

"No worries."

"Where is he?"

"Asleep." Mingyu answers. "He listens well. I didn't have a hard time babysitting him."

Jun looks at him, confused. "Are you sure? He keeps on crying when he's with me."

Mingyu burst into laughter. "I think you still need to learn a lot about kids. Also, your fridge is empty with food so I brought something for dinner. I hope you don't mind that I used the kitchen."

"No," Jun answers when his stomach grumbles.

Mingyu laughs again as he takes off his apron."You hungry?"

"Well.." Jun laughs in embarrassment.

"I thought so."


"Fuck this paperwork!" Wonwoo curses after finishing the files on his table. He laid back on his swivel chair and turns around. He starts dozing off while staring at the white ceiling of his office space. His eyes were about to close when he remembers something. He hurriedly stands up and checks the clock for time. "Oh fuck. What time is it-"

11:24 PM.

He hurriedly grabs his coat and storms out of his office. "Damn it!"

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