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“Revise these.” Mr Jeon commands while handing a folder of paper to Wonwoo.

“Can I have a week off or at least a day off?” Wonwoo asks while accepting the papers. He then throws himself on the couch in his father’s office. He lays on it, feeling at home.

“There’s a lot of things to do-“ His dad gets back on the papers on his table when he was cut off by the sudden opening of the door. His face lightens up and a smile immediately draws upon his lips. “Oh, Seungkwan!” He greets the guy who enters and was surprised with who his companion is. “..and Jun? I haven’t seen you for a while.”

“Good morning Mr Jeon!” Jun greets the older with a wave.

“Are you two.. back together?” Mr. Jeon asks with a grin. He was fully aware of everything, even with how Jun and Seungkwan used to date except for the reason why they broke up.

“Well, we’re back as friends. That’s what matters the most for now.” Jun says shyly.

Mr. Jeon agrees. “Anyway, why are you two here?” he then asks.

“I was driving Seungkwan to the university and he said he needs to drop by here.” Jun answers while he reaches out for Seungkwan and messes his hair playfully.

“I just want to give you these.” Seungkwan offers Mr. Jeon a paper bag which the older guy immediately peeks inside.

“Oh, wow. You really know my favourites!” Mr. Jeon exclaimed while taking out a cheesecake from the paperbag.

Wonwoo scoffs at the side but everyone ignores him making his eyes roll.

“We’ll get going then. I can see loads of paperwork on your desk so we must head out.” Seungkwan says with a smile, contented with Mr. Jeon’s happy reaction with what he brought.

“Oh, right. You should get going and thank you for these.”

Seungkwan and Jun bow down before heading out and Wonwoo who’s slouching at the couch stands up.

“I’ll head out as well,” Wonwoo says as he starts leaving, hands inside both of his pockets. He walks through the hallway and saw Seungkwan and Jun getting in the elevator.

Wonwoo gets in as well and he met Seungkwan’s eyes for a split second before he finds his spot behind the two. The elevator closes and he pushes the button to head back to his own office while the two is heading for the ground floor. There were only three of them. Not a surprise since employees doesn’t usually go up to the head office.

“Do you have any plans for tonight? Should we grab some dinner?” Jun asks Seungkwan.

“I’m working my night at the pub later, I don’t think I can.” The younger answers with a pout.

Jun chuckles. “Alright, then I’ll visit you at your shift later.”

Seungkwan shows a small smile before nodding. “Fine. If you insist.”

“Are you going home tonight?” Wonwoo interferes. The elevator ride went silent. Seungkwan stares at him with disbelief. Well, it’s kind of unbelievable for Wonwoo to initiate a talk with Seunglwan.

Wonwoo frowns when he didn’t get any response. “I’m asking if you’re going home tonight?”

“I.. I don’t know-“

The elevator opens and before Seungkwan can even answer straight, Wonwoo walks past by them, getting in between, bumping both of their shoulders.

“What- Wonwoo’s really getting rude. Yah!” Jun yells but the elevator was quick to close. He also felt Seungkwan tugs his shirt.

“Stop. Let him be.” Seungkwan murmurs. It’s not like something new to him. Wonwoo’s always been rude.


“Wonwoo! What made you come here?” Jihoon greets Wonwoo who just came and immediately fill in the stool beside him and Jun.

“Just wanted a drink.” Wonwoo answers. Jihoon waves a hand at Seungkwan to give them both a glass of their usual.

“Jun is here as well. I thought he was here to wait for Seungkwan but he’s kinda drunk.” Jihoon teases the guy beside him.

“Hey, I'm still sober,” Jun complains but it's clear how his eyes are quite drowsy.

“If you say so.” Jihoon chuckles as he takes a sip from his glass and watches Jun get drunk entertainingly.

They chat for an hour until Seungkwan finishes his shift. He vanishes on the counter for a while and appears with his casual clothes back on and a backpack on his left shoulder. He left the counter and walks straight to Jihoon to say goodbye before leaving.

“You can take a rest tomorrow,” Jihoon says with a smile. He playfully punches Seungkwan's shoulder and messes his hair. “Go get some sleep.”

“Thank you, hyung.” He says before getting startled when Jun almost fell from the stool. “Jun hyung, be careful. You're drunk.”

“Come on Seungkwan, I'm taking you home-“

“He's going home with me,” Wonwoo says while getting off the stool, loosening his necktie.

“No. I waited here so I can take him home. Don't get in the way.” Jun grips on Seungkwan's wrist but Wonwoo was quick to grab the other one.

“I said Seungkwan's going home with me.”

“Yah, Jeon Wonwoo-“

“We're living on the same roof so I can take him home. You are fucking drunk Wen Junhui. Go get a cab of your own.” He says while pulling Seungkwan and Jun loses his grip.

“Jeon Wonwoo, what's your problem?” Jun asked, already annoyed.

“Wonwoo hyung is right, you're quite drunk. It’s better if you hail a cab instead of driving on your own.” Seungkwan mumbles.

Wonwoo ignores Jun's glares and starts dragging Seungkwan out of the pub.

“W-wonwoo hyung.. it h-hurts.” Seungkwan complains with how tight Wonwoo's grip on his wrist. The older guy immediately frees his hand as soon as they reach his car.

“Get inside,” Wonwoo commands before walking around to head in the driver’s seat. Without another word, Seungkwan gets in and wears his seatbelt. He watches Wonwoo wears his own before he finally finds the right time to speak.

“Why are you acting like that..?” Seungkwan asks, a bit confused.

“Acting like what? Do I fucking act strange now?”


“Then shut up and we're going home.”

Seungkwan was shut silent as Wonwoo drives off.


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