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"Wonwoo hyung.. I know we're not lost but.. this isn't the way home." Seungkwan comments as he notices the unfamiliar path they were heading to.

"I know. I just want to stroll around." Wonwoo answers with his eyes straight on the road.

"At one o'clock in the morning?" Seungkwan asks, trying to understand Wonwoo.

He finishes his shift at the pub at exactly midnight and Wonwoo drags him somewhere for dinner and they ended up taking some instant ramen at a convenience store since most of the diners were already close. And there they are, going home. Or that was just what Seungkwan thought?

"Fine, we're going home," Wonwoo says as he u-turn without a complaint.

"No, it's fine-"

"You must be tired."

Seungkwan can't utter a word because he is tired for real. But he notices something off about Wonwoo. He wasn't grumpy like his usual self. His face was expressionless making it hard for Seungkwan to read him

"Bad day?" Seungkwan raises a question while glancing at Wonwoo at the driver's seat.

"Every day is a bad day to me. It's pretty normal." Wonwoo says but he can feel Seungkwan's intense stare as if what he said is a joke. Wonwoo sighs after. "Alright. Today's an extra bad day."

He saw Seungkwan shrinks on his seat beside him and crosses his arms. He ignores the guy and speeds up his driving. After a minute of silence, Seungkwan beams at him with a wide smile on his face. As if the guy just recalled something great.

"Hurry, let's head to the apartment."

"Yes. Yes. I know you're tired-"

"No. I'll show you something."


They reach the apartment in no time and Seungkwan drags him up to the highest floor of the building until they reach the rooftop.

Wonwoo's straight face turned amazed as soon as Seungkwan opens the metal door for him. What's in there is a greenhouse. A spacious greenhouse.

"Tada!" Seungkwan spreads his arms as if he is showing a good exhibit to Wonwoo. He grabs Wonwoo's hand and drags him again until they got inside the glass panel of the greenhouse. "Pretty, right?" Seungkwan told him proudly. It's a spacious place and Seungkwan even twirls around while Wonwoo's admiring the place.

Wonwoo's not a fan of plants but he often appreciates them.

The said greenhouse occupies almost half of the rooftop. The glass panel that serves as the wall is decorated with fairy lights, enough to lighten up the whole place.

"The owner of this building built this greenhouse. I accidentally saw him carrying a pot of plant when I initiated to help him and then he let me stay for a while." Seungkwan informs as he sits on one of the swings located at the middle part. Wonwoo just walks towards him with his arms crossed. "They say that the green colour helps you relax and it's pretty effective for me."

"You always here?"

"Not much these days. I'm often at the university and I'm at Jihoon's at night. The owner seldom visits here too, you know, he's already old to go up here. But I always look out for this place as much as I could. Bookkeu likes hanging around here too."

Wonwoo nods and takes a look around. The ambiance really did help to ease the mood. He's calming if he must say. It was a breath of fresh air for him.

They were silent for a moment when Seungkwan chose to ask Wonwoo the question.

"So.. why is it an extra bad day..?" the younger asks while gripping on the swing. He knows deep inside that Wonwoo would just ignore him and his dumb question because Wonwoo seldom talks to him.

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