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Four years later…

“Fawn I need you to sit with your uncle for a second okay? I just need to go fix mummy’s dress.” I carefully hand my niece Fawn over to Harry, trying not to smooch her dress. Didn’t need Poppy to kill me on her wedding day.

She loved Harry so much for some reason so she was happy to sit with him for a bit.

“Don’t wreck her dress please.”

“Babe can you please relax, you have no reason to be stressing.” He lowers his unaccompanied hand to my waist turning me around to face the wedding setting. We were in a garden, the walk way was covered with white rose petals. The white chairs were aligned in rows of 12. The end of the walk way had a gorgeous white old school arch which was decorated with white fabric. The green of the grass and the trees in the distant created a beautiful contrast with the all-white theme. “Everything looks perfect, all because of you.”

“You have to say that Harry.”

“I do, but you yourself know it looks amazing and everything is planned to perfection so why stress?”

“That’s just me.” I shrug, fixing up the basket of bouquets.

“Go see what’s wrong with the dress, Fawn and I will go have a look for daddy right Fawn?”

“Right.” He tapped me on the bum with his free hand, walking away all of his attention invested into our niece.

I run over to the main building and straight to Poppy’s set-up dressing room.

“What’s going on?” I can’t help but be frantic, the dress fitting was not very long ago, how could she have managed to already grow out of it?

“I just need you to zip this up for me.” She smiles, not a glint of panic anywhere in sight,

“Why do you need me to do it?” I had a million and one things to do and she wanted me to dress her.

“Because I couldn’t do it myself silly. It’s a bit tough.” I put down the I pad I was holding and walk over to her. I pull the two bits of the dress together, it was a bit together but not that I couldn’t zip it.

“Oh thank goodness.” Her hands landed on her hips and she examined her appearance in the full length mirror. When she turned to the side, I noticed her expression changed. It went from happy to joyful. It didn’t take long for me to piece together.

“You’re pregnant?” I scream and attack her with a gentle hug. “How far along?”

“About three months.” Poppy did not show at all when she was pregnant. She told me when she was pregnant with Fawn about three months in just like now and even then I couldn’t believe that there was another human growing inside of her.

“Congratulations, who would have thought that you would have another I didn’t think you two were trying again.”

“Oh we weren’t, this was a complete surprise but I’m pleased that both our children were surprises because it’s more fun that way when you find out. You’ll know yourself soon enough.”

This is one of those moments where if I had a drink I would have spit it out. Harry and I always talked about having a kid, but in the distant future. For now we were happy with each other.

“Well we’ll see.” I laugh. When on the inside I was like nope I am not ready at all to have a child. My job was successful, Harry and I were in a very good place and I didn’t want for anything to change. I didn’t like change, never have.

“Well now that’s done I have some other things to tend to before the ceremony.”

“Yeah of course, off you go wedding planner.”

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