chapter thirteen

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Smut warning!! There will be some smut in the story and usually i will warn you when it is about to happen so here is your warning for the chapter, enjoy!

Harry opened one of his eyes, the other he kept closed. He looked like he was struggling to keep one open and one closed it was a hilarious site.

"Are you going to continue to just smile at me or come and have a nap?"

I wander to the foot of the bed, resting one hand on the bed to keep me balanced I took off my shoes with the other hand then proceed to slowly crawl onto the bed and closer to Harry. I lay next to him leaving a slight gap between us; although I he made it clear he was okay with sleeping with me I didn't know if I should rush into it. I lay on my back for a second than turn to the right. Harry's beautiful profile a short space from my face.

Then I do what I do best, watch him and admire him, every part of him. Something strange that I loved about Harry was his breath. I found myself often watching him just breathe. It was so steady and calming, it always smelt faintly minty. The way the exhaled air came through the softness of his lips. I wonder if he ever admired me like I do him pretty much every time he wasn't watching.

He carefully flicked his eyes open, once open they imidiently focused on me. Letting out a chuckle he grabbed me and pulled me closer to him, effortlessly. Like I didn't weigh a thing. He pulls me into his chest, I can't help but inhale is heavenly scent.

He drapes his arm over my waist; I slip my hand just under the hem of his shirt and rest my hand on his warm skin. We intertwine our legs together and we just lay. Peacefully.

"Eva, you're such a weirdo some times." I immediately reacted by pulling my hand away from his skin. I can't help but be hurt. Why has he said that? He grabs my hand back and places it back where it was and Harry pulls me closer than before.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way Eva, I just meant the way you stare at me is strange. No one has ever looked at me the way you do, it's nice." I almost let out a sigh of relief. I like that he likes that I stare at him.

"Well you're nice to stare at." I say like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"So are you." He whispers into my hair. I gently pull my head back, being aware that his head was resting on mine. I faced him and gave him a what are you talking about? Face. He never really looked at me, I mean when did he get a chance to I was always staring at him.

"Oh I get my share of Eva, when you're not paying enough attention." He smirks at me. He loved to smirk at me that boy.

We gape at each other for a few seconds before the tension go to heavy.

Our lips connected, softly at first, but it never remained like that for long, with us. My immediate reaction to kissing Harry was to tug at his hair, I don't know why I did that. But it just made the moment so much more sensual. As the kiss became raw, our need for each other heightened. Harry firmly places his hands at either sides of my waist and flipped me so he was on top of me.

Was this really happening? Should I be panicking right now? Are Harry and I going to have sex, while in my best friend's house, while he was no less than 40 feet away from us. I could feel myself tense under him and Harry instantly noticed my discomfort it was one of his many talents. He pulled away right away and looked down at me.

"What's wrong Ev?" I shook my head and brought his lips to mine again. I wasn't going to have sex with him but that didn't mean that we couldn't have some fun. Harry obliged and he started to kiss down to my neck. He stopped for a second and pulled my blouse off. I lay under him just in my bra and leggings. He looks at me with a gleam in his eyes. "Beautiful." He murmured under his breath before continuing to work on my neck during which he took a hold of my breasts. I let out a moan. Okay this was happening. He began to massage them, it felt exquisite. During all of this he was still kissing my neck.

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