chapter twenty-three

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I haven’t got a clue in the slightest why Dustin messaged me. I don’t know if he knows Harry or how he found out about us seeing as how barley anybody at all knows except a select few. Did they know each other? How did Dustin get my number?

There are endless questions floating about in my head that have all sprouted within a breath of air.

I take a deep breathe, closing my eyes for a moment trying to relax. When Harry comes back I will simply ask him whether he knew Dustin and take it all from there.

Harrys figure starts approaching the car shortly after. The wind blew against him causing his white t-shirt to cling to his body, showing all of his stomachs hard muscles. His hair just flew back. As usual he looked super fit, I would never be too anxious to notice that.

Soon enough he was hoping into the car by my side, holding out a plastic bag full of random items in front of me which I take from him placing it in my lap.

“I didn’t know which magazine you wanted so I got like a bunch of different ones.”

“It’s okay thank you.” I smile quickly and he starts the car, pulling on to the road once again.

I don’t go through the bad to sort the snacks or magazines and Harry must have caught that something was up.

“Ev, what’s up?” Okay I needed to think of how I was going to approach this, should I start off by asking him if he knew him or not?

“Have you ever met my ex Dustin, it’s just obviously he goes to school with us maybe you know him?” Harry’s expression changed and it became unreadable.

“I guess I have probably met him before.” He looks kinda offended; I hope I haven’t annoyed him. Bringing out the ex-files was bad enough without me basically terrorizing him into telling me if they know each other.

I’m almost annoyed at myself but I have to be curious about this kind of thing.

“Why the sudden curiosity?” He asks right after.

“Oh I um got a message from him.” He sucks in a tight breathe and his knuckles begin to whiten from the amount he was clenching the wheel. He seems to me like he is guilty of something but this is Harry were talking about. Maybe he is just frustrated I’m asking I would be if situations were reversed. That’s got to be it.

“It’d okay, don’t worry about it”…. I pause unsure of what exactly to say next. I was so curious as to how Dustin came to know about Harry and I. I feel I’m being lied too, either that or he’s been keeping an eye on me. I hate that thought more than the first.

The atmosphere has become thick with something and it isn’t a good thickness. To ease the moment I rest my now sweaty, anxious palm on his thigh, not really expecting him to do anything. I just needed him to know I wasn’t angry at him or trying to annoy him in any way.

I’m extremely surprised when I feel the warm skin of his hand rest a top of mine, leaving their place on the steering wheel. I let out a silent sigh of relief, I’m happy he isn’t annoyed with me.

I wasn’t one for long drives, but this one was different. Having the company of Harry’s silence along with the comfort of his hand holding mine was truly wonderful.

Using one hand I awkwardly flip through one of the many magazines he had bought for me. The quiet has gotten to me though. Usually Harry and I would speak, it’s what had made this road trip really fun. But seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours and the stinging silence started to get to me. All I could hear was the radio that was playing awful music, I tried desperately to block out the torturous tunes but had no luck and found myself embarrassingly humming along to some. It didn’t help either that I had flipped through the same magazine over and over again. It was the one that seemed most interesting out of the few I had, even that however couldn’t get the silence out of my mind. It was bothering me.

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