chapter two

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"We'll get the cheque please." I whisper to the waitress as she clears our table. She nods and is on her way.

I honestly am done with this whole night and just want to go home and go to sleep. What a shitty dinner, it's been lonely and boring and long. I've sat and been on my phone all night long while Niall and Harry sat right opposite me and had a blast together, it seemed. It's annoying though, this was supposed to me my dinner with my best friend. But Harry, this very hot and very rude stranger had to come in and ruin my plans. It's sad because it's going to be so long till the next time Niall comes to visit and this evening has been wasted. There is nothing I can do about it now, I guess. Not to mention, Harrys wired arse manoeuvres from earlier have made me uncomfortable and I want to get as far away from him as possible.

The waitress comes back over to the table and hands me the cheque. "Thank you." I smile at her; she sweetly returns the smile and leaves again. She is so friendly, I almost want her to say and keep me company, I am that bored.

Dinner ends, and I have never been so happy.

"Taxi!" I shout and stick my arm in the air to gesture at a passing taxi. But it doesn't stop. After a few more attempts I give up.

I turn around to Niall who is still talking to Harry. What a surprise. I hate Harry. He ruined my entire evening, he made me be a third wheel, just like I had predicted. I hope after tonight I never ever have to see him again. Growing frustrated with Niall, I looked up at the city, hoping it'll soothe me. London looks spectacular tonight. Lights highlight the whole city. Tall buildings, all sorts of shapes and sizes surround me.

I always found the city so beautiful, not just the buildings, but the atmosphere, the people the shops, the smells, absolutely everything about the city had me in awe. I really hope that after university, I can get a job to be an editor, or a writer of some sort in one of these buildings and write my heart out. I look forward to it.

Being 11:00 on a Friday night, there are people all over the streets. It's quite busy that is probably why I can't manage to get a taxi; I've never had this much trouble with getting one before.

Niall's loud arse voice catches my attention. "Alright mate, it's been really good catching up with you." Harry smiles and gives Niall a hug. "Yeah mate, good seeing you. I'll speak to you, yeah?"

Niall releases Harry from his grasp. Before he starts to walk off, Harry turns around to face me, he has this look on his face, as if he has forgotten to do something. Instead of saying something he smirks at me, then he pivots back around and he is back on his way. Of course he did that. He is so cocky, but maybe he knows. He knows how it makes me feel, all warm and tingly on the inside.

Niall and I start walking in the opposite direction back to my apartment. I can't manage to get a taxi so we'll have to walk. What an awkward walk it is going to be.

"Well that was a fun night, wasn't it Ev?" Niall smiles. I give him a death stare. "Don't you Ev me; you ignored me entirely for the entire course of the night. I was completely bored out of my brains, while you sat and prattled with your mate!" I'm shouting at him now. He looks slightly frightened and really sorry. I don't know why I'm getting so cut up about this. I swear something is wrong with me today. First, I practically drooled over a complete and utter arse. Then he pushed me against a wall and I didn't think anything of it. Now I'm screaming at my best friend for third wheeling me. I don't know why I'm doing this, it's like my brain is not properly connected to everything. I need to get my shit together.

"You know what never mind, I'm fine. Let's go back to my apartment and we can watch a movie and eat a bunch of unhealthy junk." I smile up at him trying to make him feel better. He nods. "Sounds great."

. . . .

"Hey, you know you and Harry go to the same school?" What? Does he really, I have never seen him around. I would have definitely remembered a face like his, no doubt about it. "Really now, I've never seen him around." Why must Niall bring him up? I'm trying my very best to forget about him. "Yeah, he is a sociology major, that's probably why you haven't come across each other. " Niall explains.

Sociology, interesting. I never would have guessed that. But it does explain why I've never seen him. "Can I ask why on earth we're watching Twilight?" Niall chuckles. I didn't even know why I put this on; it was the first thing I pulled out. "Oh my God Niall it has been on for 45 minutes, I don't know why, I just pulled out whatever and it happened to be Twilight. You seem to be enjoying it anyway." I tease.

"I'm so tired." I yawn and stretch my arms out over my head. It is time for this night to end. Clicking the home button on my phone to show the time. '2:57am'. I can't believe I've made it this late and I haven't fallen asleep yet, even though dinner and Twilight.

"I'll go grab you some blankets so we can get you set up for bed."

"Okay." He says.

I slowly move through my apartment to the hallway cupboard, which holds extra blankets and such.

I take out a spare duvet, two blankets and a few pillows. I would hate to have to sleep on my couch; it isn't the most comfortable thing in the world. But Niall can deal with it for one night. Plus I'll try to make it as comfortable as I can.

When I return to the living room, Niall isn't there; he's probably gone to get ready for bed or something.

I take off all of the decorative cushions and toss them on the floor beside the couch. I position the pillows on one side of the couch and lay out the duvet, leaving the extra blankets on top. Aren't I a good host? I just need to get a better couch, maybe one that turns into a bed or something. That would be very useful for times like this, when friends stay over.

Niall strolls back in. He has changed into some sport shorts and a plain grey t-shirt. I gesture over to the bed I have created. He laughs and gets under the duvet.

"Do you want me to put the extra blankets as well?" I ask, trying to be helpful. He nods.

"Alright, well I'm off to sleep too. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." He replies.

I start to walk back to my room. When I remember I had to ask Niall what time he leaves tomorrow.

"Niall, what time are you leaving tomorrow?" He slightly rises in his position so he can see my face.

He cheekily grins. "Well it was meant to be a surprise but I'm not actually leaving till early Sunday morning." What?

"You dick, why didn't you tell me?" I'm actually so happy, we have an extra day now! Yes! I run over to him and hug him in excitement. "This is great, oh my God! Anyway, goodnight again, you liar."

"Hey, I'm no liar, just a really, really good secret keeper." He smiles.

"Sure, whatever."

. . . . . .

I decide to have a body shower quickly before bed. It refreshes me and washed every inch of the very long day off. I get in bed and set my alarm for 11:00am. Just in case I don't wake up before then. I have to work tomorrow, only for a few hours though. I put my phone to charge and snuggle under the covers. Oh my, I'm so tired but my mind isn't ready to sleep just yet. It starts to think about what Niall and I could do tomorrow night, something really fun. And hopefully, this time it won't be ruined by anyone.

Hey guys, I hope you're all enjoying this so far! Leave me a comment about what you think of Desire!

~Chelsea x

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