chapter eleven

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“The movies?” I ask. That’ll probably be best we could avoid some awkward conversations. But going to the movies means sitting in the dark for two hours, who knows what Harry and I will get up to. Maybe that wasn’t the best suggestion.

“I’d much rather be able to see you Eva.” I blush. “Let’s go for dinner, like originally planned. I know somewhere where the food is amazing.” I nod and Harry begins to give me directions to this little low key restaurant that he knows, he also swears it has the best food ever.

His direction giving is really bad and the main reason why is because he doesn’t know his left and rights.

“Turn left.” He says. I turn left.

“Eva, I said left where are you going?” Is he being serious.

“Harry do you not know your left and rights.” I laugh. This was the most basic thing and I remember learning it when I was four or five in my first year of grade school. It was quite an important thing to know, how did he not know this?

Instead of his directions I tell Harry to put the address into Google maps. Which he does, then I listen to the computer voice direct me to Lillys.

Before we get out of the car, I unbuckle my seatbelt and face Harry.

“Give me your hands.” He places his large hands in my palms without a word. I hold his left and I let the right rest on my lap. I loved his hands, and that is really wired but they’re so big, they’re rough yet still soft. Every time I’ve seen him he has always had rings on. They are usually different except for a silver one that he wears on his index finger. He watches my every movement strenuously.

Using his thumb and index finger I make an L shape and held it up in front of him. When you make an L with your left hand, it’s the right hand. If you were to make an L with your right hand it would be backwoods. This is how I learnt my left and rights.” I motioned to his hands.

“Yeah, I leant them like this too.”

“What do you mean you learnt them to?” Then it clicks.

“Harry, are you fucking kidding me right now?” I drop his left hand and it joins his right hand on my lap. I look at them for a second, composing myself.

I don’t know who is more of the idiot in this situation, Harry for pretending to not know his left and right’s or me who believed that he didn’t know them.

“You pretended to know not know them, why?” I seriously want to know why on earth he professed that he didn’t know. 

Harry lifts my chin with his finger. My boring ass brown eyes meet his stunning green orbs and they appear to be filled with sorrow.  Holy Shit. I’m going to kiss him, he looks so cute and vulnerable and so very kissable.

“Because, you look really adorable when you’re frustrated.” He admits. I don’t think I could have moved quickly enough.

Our lips collide, rather harshly causing our breaths to hitch. I can taste the usual, faint mint on his tongue as he massages mine. I rapidly move over the centre console and sit in Harry’s lap, our lips never disconnecting. The smell of mesmerizing cologne fills my nostrils and I sigh into his mouth. His large palms grip my face, needing. I take this opportunity to slip my hands under his hat and into his hair, roughly tugging at the roots of his long curls. A groan escapes his lips and I moan in response. He stokes my faces with the pad of his thumb. It feels so incredible.

I pull back and stare at his eyes. His eyes are filled with lust and I can hear his unsteady breaths. His warm palms are still cupping my face and his thumbs continue to slowly stroke my skin. It felt like the most soothing think in the world. I couldn’t explain it, but it felt like magic.

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