chapter twenty-six

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this chapter is dedicated to you taylah, thank you for all your continuous support, feeback and  ideas!!

“You make me do such crazy shit, I don’t like it.” I lean over and mumble into my hands. My elbows are digging into my thighs, carrying the weight of my upper half.

“If you didn’t want to do it you wouldn’t don’t blame me when you know it’s true.”

A frustrated groan escapes my lips, Harrys fingers begin to run over my tense back. It calms me but only a tad.

I had only ever been this tense once and I was in the same situation.

Harry and I sit in the waiting room, well not quite a waiting room more like a panic room of Harry’s favourite tattoo parlour. He has once again talked me into getting a tattoo. We were sat there on the sand of the beach, the sky was so calm. The starts were incredible bright and we sat and listening to the crash of the waves on the shore. The whole concept was gorgeous, the moment was one of a kind.  Then out of the blue Harry speaks into the dark silence.

“Let’s go get a tattoo.” I look at him, although I can’t see his face completely because of the dark the smirk is imminent. I think more so I know it’s there, it always is.

“Are you completely insane?”

“No, we did say that whatever adventure we have together we’d go commemorate it with one. So let’s go!”

“You said that and this isn’t an adventure Harry, were at the beach.” I knew he would fight me on this and we would end up doing what he says but I would still try to stand my ground.

“You agreed to it baby. That’s enough complaining, we’re going.” With that he pulled me off the sand, away from the beach and into the car, now were sitting waiting for it to happen.

He insisted we go to a place where he has gotten many done apparently, it’s probably just the only place open. It is 3:00 in the morning after all what on earth is open this late, or this early I should say.

You could say I was shitting myself, the whole situation was so similar to the first time except for a few things, one being Niall is not here, two being that we have to wait our turn and three I was half asleep and quite delusional. Although he thinks he can do it even when I’m in the right state of mine, Harry can only talk me into things when I’m most vulnerable and in this case half asleep.

Someone soon emerges from the back of the building which was directly in front of us. He was tall and quite buff; he had a honey tone tan. His hair was covered by a snapback which completed his look of Blue shorts and white patterned tank top.

Harry recognises him and stands. Staying seated is best for me because I am not at all stable.

“Harry, my man I was wondering when I’d see you next.” They bro hug and break it off before Harry pulls my hand and holds me by his side, tightly, lovingly.

“You too Liam. Liam this is Eva my girlfriend, Eva this is Liam my favourite tattoo artist in the world.”

Liam sends me a friendly smile, I return one to him.

“No need to suck up my ass Harry I’ve agreed to do this for you regardless of the time.”

They chuckle together and I don’t get the joke so I just stand there silently hoping that we were about to go and get this over with.

“Jen showed me the design, if that’s all your after lets go get started.” Harry and I follow Liam into the place from which he had previously entered.

I can’t help the shiver of fear that shots through me once I see the similar tattoo equipment. Harry holds me closer as soon as he notices I’m freaking out.

I don’t know why I’m panicking so much, I’ve done this before and it wasn’t really that bad and Harry is here with me. He himself has done this at least 60 times and he obviously isn’t fazed by it at all if he can go through it so many times.

The prepping process id exactly the same, the girl Jen preps my skin in the area which is my wrist. The image was a small row of three waves. Harry has drawn it; I didn’t know he usually drew all of his smaller tattoos.

“Right Eva, ready when you are.” I volunteered myself to go first again and get it out of the way.

I lay down just like last time; Liam takes my arm and begins his art. My other hand is being held by Harry’s large ones, his thumb rubbing those small circles on my hand, comforting me.

The pain was like last time, moderate but nothing I couldn’t deal with.

Liam tried to ask me questions but Harry warned me off, I was not fun when I was in pain. Instead Harry and Liam spoke to each other. Harry rested his chip on my other hand that was also in his grasp.

I looked down at the almost completed tattoo, it was very small and simple so it’s only taken about 20 minutes. I really loved it.


“See I’m quite spontaneous aren’t I?” Harry asks me as we lay in bed.

“Just a tad.” I use my fingers to gesture a small amount. I really loved having Harry in my life, the things we got up to was insane. Who else gets up in the middle of the night to go to the beach in the dark where it is practically impossible to see anything? Or convinces you to get a tattoo spur the moment. It probably wasn’t an occurrence in every person, only in Harry it seemed, my Harry.

“Thank you for taking me out on an adventure, I did enjoy it.”

“I know you did.” He responded cockily, pushing his head into the crook of my neck.

“I love you.”

“I love you, Harry.” I kissed his hair, whilst I ran my fingers through the roots of his scalp. Massaging his head.

Everything in my life was how I’d always wanted it, it was more than I ever wanted.

do forgive me for the length of this chapter, it is soooo short but i really wanted somthing up!!

nonetheless i hope you enjoyed it. i've been getting so much positive feedback on twitter and such and i can't even tell you how happy that makes me. it literally makes my day!

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thank you, thank you 




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