chapter twenty-five

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"I love you." Her sweet whisper startles me, I'm not sure though if it's because it came out of the silence and I assumed she was sleeping. Or because of the words that she projected.

She loved me, Eva loved me the only girl I'd ever loved myself. I always wondered if she felt for me what I felt for her but I was too afraid to admit my feelings for her.

She was such a sweet, outgoing, beautiful girl, she had bought so much into my life. Since the moment we first met I knew she was something. She made me laugh like no one had before. She was so opinionated, always speaking her mind, which attracted me more than I can say. Not to mention how beautiful she was, her eyes were the most prepossessing shade of brown I've ever seen, whenever I look into them I always shiver. Something about them makes me shiver in the best ways possible.

I loved her silver hair, it was so weird and before her I'd never seen anyone with that type of her. But she fucking managed to make it look breathtaking.

I loved her body, the way it always relaxed as soon as it had met my contact. I felt as though I meant something to her and now I know I did. Well I hope she really did.

I've never been more comfortable with any other human as I am with this one girl who has managed to come into my life and rapidly make me fall very in love with her.

It was so easy to fall deeply in love with her; she made it so easy I almost can't believe how quickly it happened.

Would I tell her now that I know she feels the same? Should I wait until she says it first?

Oh fuck, I should be a man and tell her first. That's what I'm going to do, I know I'll most likely pussy out of it but I'd rather I said it first.

She means so much to me and I want her to know how much I love her. I'm going to tell her right now.

"Babe." I whisper into her hair knowing that she was awake now.

She shuffles up and looks at me, worry filled eyes. "Harry, you're up?" She mumbles, shit she really didn't want me to hear what she had said.

Maybe she didn't actually mean it so that's why she told me while she thought I was asleep.

My courage built up, even though she might not have meant it I need her to know. I was going to say it but she interrupted me. "Harry did yo..." I silenced her by placing my lips on hers this is the first thing I wanted to do when I first heard the words slip from her mouth. Kiss the words and take them in.

Her hands slid up my chest slowly until they reach my shoulders were she rests them and squeezes slightly. She hesitates again and pulls back. "But Harry..." Cutting her off again this time with something she'd like to here I hope.

"Eva.." I kiss her lips lightly. "I love you..." She tries to say something, I push my index finger against her lips, she always needed to say something in the times were I need her to shut up. God I love her, so much.

"I've wanted to tell you for so long but I'm a pussy and I couldn't build up the courage but as soon as I knew you felt the same I couldn't help myself I had to tell you. So now you know."

I take a deep breath and grab a hold of her timid body bringing her to sit on my laps in the centre of the bed; we've somehow managed to move to there. The look in her eyes makes me want to devour her in every way possible. From the first moment I laid eyes on her I instantly felt more than attraction, it was an electromagnetic connection. It was exhilarating, finding someone who just like that in an instant became more than anything or anyone else.

I'm not saying I believe in love at first sight, I believe in having a real connection with someone and I believed at the time Eva was that for me and I've only fallen deeper with her, making me think more and more that everything was supposed to happen.

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