chapter fifteen

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I wake up in the morning, feeling extremely overheated. Harry’s body is feels like a pillow of heat. Harry and I practically clued together, it is like we haven’t moved an inch all night, except the duvet was no longer covering us anymore.

Even though it was immensely overheating, I couldn’t bring myself to pull away from him.

His hands were still in front of my lips, I took the opportunity to kiss tem again, but very gently so I don’t wake him.

I kissed his knuckle and left my lips to linger there.

I felt gross, we had gone straight to sleep last night when we got back which means my face is still covered in makeup and I hadn’t brushed my teeth either. Oh my God, that’s disgusting. I have to get out now.

I slip my hand under Harrys arm and push through releasing my arm from him. Then I tug both my legs forward and I am completely detached from Harry. I hear him stir in his sleep but without looking back I proceeded to get out of the bed.

I quickly and quietly wander around the room, gathering my clothes so I could go get dressed.

Rushing into the bathroom, I wash my face first to remove all the dirty makeup off of my face and then brush my teeth for almost 5 minutes. I felt clean once again by the end.

I opened the bathroom door and Harry is still sound asleep, his arms now taking my place in the bed.


“Good morning sunshine!” Niall says upon my arrival into the living room. There is yet another sport on the TV, different to yesterday’s maybe this one is football.

“Morning, Harry still sleeping?” I nod.

“He usually sleeps in.” Every night Harry and I spent at each other’s flats I always woke up hours before he did. He was not a morning person either. As much as I hated waking up from sleep the most peaceful and my utmost thing in the world, however if I didn’t wake up early I feel like my days go so quickly, which I detested. Feeling like my life was just me living day after day, the same way all the time. I’d like to think soon enough life won’t be like that.

I walk to the kitchen.

I need some coffee. “Want some coffee?” I shout at Niall as I begin to poor coffee into the machine. “Shit.” I had totally forgotten about Harry, who was sleeping just a short distance away. I hope I haven’t woken him.

“I’ll have some.” A voice that wasn’t Niall’s answered, too late. I turn around to meet Harry; he was in very close proximity to me.

“Did I wake you?” I whisper sincerely. I reach out for him and he walks into my open arms. I wrap my arms around his torso and squeeze tightly in apology.

“Ev, don’t stress! You didn’t wake me.” His arms enfold around my neck and I feel a kiss on the top of my head. “Good.” I whisper into his chest and kiss it before separating from him.

“Niall, coffee?” I ask again, him and those damned sports.

When he doesn’t answer again I gesture to Harry to go and ask him. He steps out of the kitchen before quickly returning and nodding at me. I pull out three mugs, placing them on the bench.

 I lean on the bench and wait for the coffee to finish, looking at harry to pass the time.

He is a beautiful sight all the time but in this moment he looked flawless.

He has one hand rubbing gently over his lower back while his other holds his phone, which he is looking at, scrolling peacefully. His body is perfectly tone and tan. His arm muscles flexing as his hand rubs his back.

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