chapter three

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“Good morning sunshine.” My boss Lynn greets me as I arrive at work. She is such a lovely women. We became close as soon as she’d hired me when I first moved here. She is always there when I need her, in any way. My real mother never did for me half the things that Lynn did. I was so grateful to have her in my life.

“Morning!” I smile.

I work in a little café only a fifteen minute walk from my apartment, and only ten from school which was really convenient for me. I could get from place to place relatively quickly. Working here was amazing. Usually waitress jobs sucked but mine is awesome. The people I work with are the most amazing people I have come across in my whole life. The customers are super friendly. Most of the time, anyway.  Also, making coffees was not that much of a hard task either.

I made it to the back room, where we keep our bags. I turned my phone off and placed it back in my bag. Then I make my way back to the front of the café to start my shift.

The day goes by super-fast, and before I know it 4pm comes around.

I grab my bag and switch my phone back on as Lynn comes in. “What do you have planned for tonight lovely?” She asks me.

“Well as you know Niall is in town, and we were just going to kick back tonight.” I smile. Maybe we could watch some more movies and get pizza; I have a massive craving now that I’m thinking about it.

“Wait, wasn’t Niall supposed to stay here only last night?” She asks confused.

“Yes, well that’s what I thought. But It turns out he actually won’t be going back till tomorrow morning.” I say happily. I look down at my phone to see Niall has messaged me a few times. He has been spending the day at my apartment, he better not have broken anything. I unlock my phone with a swipe and take a look at Niall’s messages.

Niall – You have no food in your house.

I can’t say I wasn’t expecting this, my house kind of was food deprived. I usually ate at the café or went out to get food somewhere. I am way too lazy to cook every day.  

Niall – I’m taking you grocery shopping later.

We’ll need to go any way, if were having a movie night.

Niall - Hey, I know we were planning to hang out tonight but Harry has invited us to a party, I really want to go but if you don’t want to its okay, we’ll stay here.

I let out an angry sigh. Is he freaking kidding me? “What is it dear?” Lynn asked, with a worried expression. I can’t believe he did this, he knows I won’t be able to say no. Because then I’ll feel guilty the rest of the duration of his stay with me. Damn Niall. Damn Harry, that jerk he had to invite Niall to a party. What type of party is this any way.

“Niall has just made some other plans, do go to a party.” I let out a deep sigh.

“It’s okay Eva, you’ll both be together at the party, don’t stress about it.” God bless Lynn.

“I guess so, I better get going then I’ll need to get ready and it’s already 4.”

“Have a great night, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I walk into my apartment; Nialls is sat on the sofa in the living room watching the football. He notices me walk in so he turns around and speaks. “Hey there, how was your day?”

“Great, yours?”

“Terrible, I’m starving.” Of course he is.

“Did you get my message?”

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