chapter six

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"There is no way that The Lord of the Rings trilogy is better than the Harry Potter Series! Have you lost your mind?" I shout at Harry as he throws his head back in fits of laughter. I was getting really into this discussion and I don't know if Harry is just stirring me or if he seriously prefers The Lord of the Rings. But I mean who does? That's ridiculous.

"Everyone prefers Harry Potter mate, it's time you got into the correct ban wagon!"

"Like I said before Eva, you can either pick one or the other. I very much love both of them, but I think that it's The Lord of the Rings for me." I stare at him in disbelief. Okay I guess you can't love them both, but clearly the whole world knows which of the two is truly better even though Harry is apparently clueless to that.

Other than Harry and i are quite similar in a lot of things, music, movies and even some books. This is really interesting because I have never spoken to someone before that had so much in common with me. I have also learned that he is actually a really nice guy, he just likes to give your first impression of him as cocky. He was raised in a little town a few hours away from London by his mother and he has a sister who is a few years older than he.

He has been heavily influenced by women his whole life and he is grateful for the way he was raised to be nice and respectful to everyone and anyone. He is a very interesting person and he has experienced so much for only being 22.

"So, if you like English so much why didn't you major in it?" I ask very curiously. He seems so captivated by English and Literature.

"I like doing different things. I was really intrigued by sociology  and low and I didn't want to major in English because I didn't know what I could get out of it." Well he just has it all planned out doesn't he?

"So, you now know all about me, tell me about yourself." I sigh. I've had quite a fucked up life.

"Well, where should I start? I was born 21 years ago in Australia because my parents were holidaying there. I am an only child. My parents are absolutely loaded and I had everything and anything I ever wanted growing up and as much as I was spoiled I never wanted to be that bratty type so I stayed grounded. As I was growing up I wanted nothing more than to be an independent woman. To be able to fend for myself because I felt like my parents always did everything for me." I pause and look up and meet his glance. He is looking at me with such a focus and understanding. I give him a brief smile and continue to speak.

"I started working my first job when I was 15, even though my parents hated that I was working. My parents don't really care for me to much. I'm kind of their disappointment. I've moved away from home and am studying English and they would have preferred I did something more suited to them. But I'm not about that, I do things for myself and I wanted to study English so that's what I do. I feel like I'm talking your ear off. I should stop!" I blush embarrassed, I'm basically pouring my heart out to him and he is a virtual stranger I met only two days ago.

"No, please continue! When did you meet Niall?" He asks.

"I met Niall in school, when we were really little and we were close our whole lives. But when he moved away to go to University in Ireland I got really lonely. I had also just started University and I had no one. One night I was out with this girl I met and she took me out. A night on the town. She introduced me to her friends. They were so friendly and really different to me. They used to party every night, drink, drugs, sleep around. You know the deal." He nods and I go on.

"I started to hang out with them and got dragged into it all." I very rarely talk about my old life.

"I hated who I was becoming. One of the guys in the group struck an interest in me but he treated me like rubbish. I didn't really feel anything for him I saw what type of person he was and didn't want to be with someone like that. I stuck around though, because they were my friends and I didn't really have anyone else."

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