chapter eight

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"Oh, I remember you; you're the boy that had their tongue down Ev's throat the other night." I practically choke on air and start to cough. That is so like Bess, she doesn't hold anything back that girl. But I deeply admire that about her she is always honest about everything. Harry notices my discomfort, and he begins to pat and rub my back through the coughing attack I was having.

My friends have been here for a total of 20 seconds and this is already extremely awkward. I don't understand why though.

Joining me tonight we have Bess, by far my craziest and most outgoing friend as she has already made clear this evening. Ella is the most caring, beautiful and talented women I know. Clara who is so timid and shy, but for those who know her well enough, she is a lot like Bess in the ways that matter. Then there is Harry, I don't know how I feel about him just yet, he annoys me but he is so very nice and handsome.

"Come through girls. You too Harry." I walk them over to the dining table that I admit have arranged very nicely. There are 5 places set with a plate and a bowl, along with a fork, knife, a table spoon and a tea spoon per each setting. There are also tall glass cups and wine glasses per person. In the centre of the table there are two bottles of wine, one red and one white. There is another clear, glass bottle filled with cool water.

I went all out this month and thought I should do a centre peace. I bought a large glass vaselike jar and some brown textured fabric. All I did was wrap a single thick strip of the fabric around the very centre of the jar and filled it with water. I then added some white peonies, my favourite flowers. It was very rustic and classy all in one.

Bess sat at the head of the table, is just something she has always done. The very first time we did this dinner thing she sat there as a joke, she acted like she was the man of the table, but it became a tradition and now she always does it.

Once Bess was seated in her usual spot, Ella and Clara sat on one side of the table, which left two seats side by side for me and Harry to sit directly opposite them.

Once were all seated I excuse myself to get the soup to serve. "I'll help you." Harry says looking up at me as he gets out of his chair. "No thank you, I've got it." I know he hasn't listened to me when I can hear his footsteps trailing behind me, following me into the kitchen. I open one of the draws to retrieve a ladle for the soup before I make my way over to the stove.

"Now, what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't help you?" He asks.

"A normal one, men always want to be served. Isn't that what you blokes are all about?" I ask and he looks down at me irritated. I take this moment to notice just how much taller than me he was. He didn't look any bigger than 6 foot but that was huge compared to my very short 5 foot 2. He was like a giant, I stop staring and turn of the stove.

"Not this one, my mother taught me better. Everyone is equal, remember that Eva." He smirks and grabs the pot of soup that I just turned off and makes his way back to the dining room. He helps me serve everyone. He holds the pot while I ladle a portion into the bowls.

Once were done with everyone I tell him to place the Pot on the heat proof mat to the left of the table and he obliges. I put my hands on the black leather of the chair and begin to pull my chair out harry quickly replaces my hands with his and he pulls the chair out the rest of the way and gestures for me to take a seat, once seated he pushes me into the table.

I blush. Okay Harry I get you're a gentleman, you didn't need to prove it.

The whole course of the dinner goes really well. There were no more wired or inappropriate comments from good old Bess. Harry helped me serve the main meal and dessert which ended up being pre-made brownies and vanilla ice cream. Everyone seemed to like the food, everyone genuinely sounded like they enjoyed it. I've decided that either they have all gotten really good at lying to me about my cooking or it actually was nice,

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