chapter four

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Niall and I walk through the crowd of people in search of Harry. Niall texted him and asked him where he was. He replied with ‘The kitchen’ so now the two of us where looking for the kitchen in this enormous house which didn’t even look big, when we first arrived. Its view from the front is a tad deceiving. “We need to ask someone.” I shout into Nialls ear. If we didn’t ask someone, who knows how long we’ll be searching.

I tapped a guy on the shoulder. He appeared to be a bit older than me and totally off his face. “What can I do for you darling.” He slurred. I’m slightly uncomfortable so I get to the chase quickly.

“Do you have an idea where the kitchen is?” I ask sweetly.

“Yeah, you see that hall there?” He points to a hallway entrance to the left of the room we were in. I nod.  “Go through there and the kitchen is at the very end of the passage.” God bless this very drunk dude. “Thank you so much!” I beam. He nods and gets back to the party.

I lead the way with Niall following not too far behind me. The music is so loud. I can hear the thump of the music in my head. I can feel the thump in my feet through my shoes. I hate this. I only ever want to feel this if it’s at a concert. Not some stupid party. I can’t believe I’m going through all of this. I am such a good friend I swear.

After a ton of pushing and shoving, we’ve made it to the passage. As we walk through the hall way there are some people making out and such, but it is nowhere as busy as the other room was. What the hell was Harry doing hanging out in a kitchen any way. We got to end of the passage and I pushed open the door I presumed was the kitchen door. I was graced by the sight of Harry snogging some random chick. They’re that into it that they haven’t noticed we’ve walked in. Now I get why he is in the kitchen, it’s private. But this is kind of gross and unsanitary I mean in a kitchen really.

I hear Niall clearing his throat to my right. They both stop and look up at us. Well this situation just got a tad awkward. He looked kind of grossed out. I don’t blame him. That girl was all over him. Were they together? I didn’t know he has a girlfriend; he was being awfully touchy with me last night for someone with a girlfriend. Oh my God, this makes me hate him even more.

He gets away from the girl and faces Niall.

 “Niall, mate I’m so happy you could come.” He hugs Niall. Oh great another one of these hugs. Harry notices my presents and he pulls away from the hug. “Eva.” The way he says my name sends shivers through my body. He nods his head in a gesture to say hey, I assume.

He smiles “Shall we go.” Niall nods and follows Harry out the door. Leaving me a few meters behind. Harry seems to have forgotten all about the girl he was snogging just two minutes ago. He leads us back to the party room and gestures for us to sit on a long, brown, vintage sofa amongst a few other people.

Harry takes a seat between me and Niall, leaving me alone yet again. I pull out my phone and start to go through random things to keep me company. I receive a message from my friend Bonnie.

Bonnie – Hey Evs, what you up to?

Eva – I’m at some party with Niall. L Save me!

Bonnie – Oh no, why so bad? Do you want me to come get you?

Eva – He is hanging out with and ‘old friend’. So I’m here alone. No love, don’t stress.

Me and Bonnie message for a while. Until she started to get sleepy and I forced her to go to sleep, leaving me bored all over again. I really needed to use the bathroom. Great how was I going to find it? I turned in Niall and Harry’s direction. I tapped Niall’s knee to get his attention. He looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “I’m going to use the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” I turn away and a hand grabs my fore arm. This feels all too familiar. I rotate my head back and see Harrys hand grasping my arm. What was he doing? “Do you want me to show you where the toilet is?” He asks genuinely, his eyes peering into mine. I don’t know what to say to him. I’d rather avoid the awkward walk and I’m really not his biggest fan right now. “Um sure.” I almost choke out. I look down at my arm, he is still holding it. Is he going to let go? He leads me to another hall way, the one me and Niall entered the party in before. We walk all the way to the end into a grand Foyer. He drops my arm. “Erm, follow me.” He seems very shy tonight, that’s very different from his cocky attitude yesterday.

I feel like I should say something to him. But what? I have never had a conversation with him. “So was that your girlfriend in the kitchen?” What did I do, the words left my mouth before my brain could even think about what it was doing. He looks down at me amused. Why was that funny?

“No, she was some random chick that came onto me.” He’s laughing now. Is he insane?

“You let random girls hook up with you all the time?” Well aren’t I just full of questions tonight.

“No, not really.”

“Okay.” I think I’ll leave this topic, it is making me feel like I am being intrusive and Harry is obviously not too keen on my talking about his kissing antiques.

We finally stop at a door, which I’m assuming is the bathroom. He uses his arm to gesture to the bathroom. I walk into the room, turning the light on and closing the door, locking it.

I check my appearance in the mirror. Nothing has changed I look just like I did when we left the house. What a waste of getting dressed up.

I walk out of the bathroom and Harry is leaning on the wall next to the door. I smile up at him; he starts to guide me back.

I taking his appearance in, he looks just like he did yesterday. Just a slight change in clothes. He was still wearing black skinny jeans, but instead of black he was wearing a grey t-shirt, that had a pocket on the left side of his chest. The pocket was accompanied by a pair of sunglasses. Not very different after all.

Instead of sitting alone like a little baby, I decide I’m going to make the most of the situation. I’m going to go and dance.

 I give my purse and phone to Niall and head to the dance floor. I recognize a few people from my classes, even one of my really close friends Bess.  She calls me over to her. At least I’ll have someone to dance with my now. I sway my hips with the beat of the music, its shitty music but I don’t care. I’m feeling so in the moment I don’t know what has come over me. I felt a pair of skinny hands on my shoulders I turn to face Bess and we start swaying in sync. I portably looked like a weirdo but I didn’t care. I had a rush of adrenaline, Niall should be here. “I’ll be right back.” I shout to Bess. I tremble over to the couch which Niall was sat on. My feet were getting a little sore. So much for comfortable shoes.

“Niall come dance! It’s so much fun.” He is shocked.

And right on queue “Eva, are you drunk?”

“No, I’m having fun. Come!”

“I’ll come.” Harry speaks out. At this point I didn’t care.

“You’ll do.” I grip his hand and escort him to the dance floor. He is really surprised that I accepted his offer to come dance with me.

Harry puts his hands on my hips, my back to his chest and he begins to rock with me. We are moving together in perfect sync. After a few minutes he turns me so I’m facing him. I hook my arms around his head while his hands stay on my hips. We continue to move together. I sense the electricity between us. I can feel the spark. It’s the most extraordinary feeling. It feels right. We feel right.

I look up and meet his alluring gaze and before I know it our lips are joined. His lips fit mine perfectly, like they’re meant to be there. He opens his mouth and his tongue slips in, it moves along with mine marvellously. I moved my hands to hair and fisted it, he groaned into my mouth which causes me to moan. His hands are now cupping my face, caressing my cheeks. Out of breathe I pull back. I peer into his eyes again, something about them is different.

He smiles and gives me a soft peck. That was beautiful.

Sorry if there are any erros! I will come back and edit this chapter later on!! Enjoy! Comment and vote, it helps me a ton! 

chelsea x

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