Chapter Twenty: Eerie II

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Chapter Twenty: Eerie II


As I dropped the gun, my arm striked at the powerful extent. I held up my arm and wiggled it due to the pain that I had just built. I looked over at Beyoncé and she was watching Kewan's body without a movement in her body. She then turned around and walked out of the room.

She probably had to reevaluate what had just happened. I took my phone out and dialed 911.

An operator picked the phone up and I explained what happened, they told me that a few police will be coming here very soon.

Everything was so hard to take in. My wife being kidnapped by my own uncle. My uncle lying about his death; this was honestly too much for me.

I walked outside to see Beyoncé crying with her hands on her eyes. I sighed and placed my arms around her. This must've been even worse for her. I know that she've been through so much and I can only imagine how miserable she felt.

I gently kissed her neck, traveling up her bone, making her feel worthy of her body. I gripped her hips tighter and hugged them. "I love you." I whispered into her ear. Her tears were falling unto my arm and she squeezed me tight. "Shawn, baby I'm so sorry for all of this....Maybe if I had never been born none of this would have happened. I didn't have to meet Camil at that my job, I didn't have to go over to another job he offered. I didn't have to fall in love with Kewan and I didn't have to fall for you either. All of this is because of me and I'm-"

Before she could say anything else, I quickly placed my lips unto hers. Her hands tightened around my wrists and she adjusted her lips unto mine. I felt her kiss back slowly and after a few seconds, I pulled away.

"Don't you ever blame yourself on something that had absolutely nothing to do with you. You didn't make my uncle lie about his death. You didn't let my uncle kidnap you and I definitely know that you didn't allow him to rape you. This is all of his fault. Baby girl you have done nothing wrong." I said softly, kissing her once more. I wiped her tears and turned her around to face me. She instinctively placed her head into my neck and I rubbed her back.

"I love you so much..." I told her, feeling my tears roll down my cheeks. "I love you too, Shawn." She muffled into my neck.

We stayed like this until 4 police cars and an ambulance came. I un-loosed Bey and the meds took my uncle, bringing him outside into their vehicle.

After answering all of the police's questions, I closed the door and looked at Bey who was sound asleep.

I picked her up and walked her to the guest room, after what occurred in our bedroom, I doubt she'd want to sleep there again. I kissed her forehead and placed her into the bed, climbing in with her.

When we were both settled, I took hold of her diary, wanting to read some more to hamper my curiosity.

After contemplating on if I should or if I shouldn't, I finally came to the conclusion of doing it.

I flipped back to the place I was on yesterday, skipping a few pages ahead.


Dear Diary,

I have just came from seeing Camil today. He had called my phone stating that I should come over by him and if I don't I'll regret it. I thought that it would be safer if I listened.

Diary Filled With Sin**' : 2015 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now