Chapter Sixteen: The Pictures**'

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Chapter Sixteen: The Pictures**'


I looked around my hotel room, gazing. My main point was to find Shawn. "Shawn..." I whispered, but no answer. I huffed and sat up. "He left?" I asked myself.

"No, he went to get you some breakfast." My doctor said.

I smiled bright as soon as he said that. I was hungry, and it seemed as though I haven't eaten in MONTHS....Wait...that's true.


Waiting on Shawn and this food was getting me a bit excruciating. I mean, in here is cold as a room filled with air condition on a winter morning. But, something didn't seem....Right.

I looked at the chair and saw my book along with his phone. I rolled my eyes "Who forgets they're phone? He's so careless."

I fitted my eyes tight on it. Seeing a picture... I squinted my eyes...I was trying to figure out if that picture was Shawn or...HOLY SHIT!

I jumped back towards the bed. "Why does he have that on his phone!!!" I whisperly yelled.

Before I could even set my mind completely on the thought of him having my kid nappers picture big and broad unto the screen. My main feeling was to delete it.

But, when I was finally moving my body towards the chair, Shawn had walked in. He turned around and placed the bag of iHop down.

"Hey, princess you're up." he said, not looking at me yet. "Uh, yeah...So are you?"

He laughed and turned around. "You're silly." He had planted a kiss on my forehead. "What have you been doing?"

"Nothing...I was just waiting on you to come back"

So you can explain why you have that picture of your uncle on the phone!

"Seems like someone missed me."

I chuckled "Don't get you're hopes up." I gritted my teeth, waiting for him to set the delicious meal unto my lap. "What have you gotten rude for the twenty minutes I've been gone?"

I laughed and shook my head, bending it to the side, studying the picture. "No, not at all..."

He had picked up his phone and locked it. He turned around and placed a crate unto my lap. "There's eggs, bacon and waffles."

"Waffles!" I chanted. He chuckled "Yes, it's blueberries too."

"Just how I like it.."

"Just the way you like it."

I smiled at him and did my silent prayers before pulling out the plastic fork and immediately going for the eggs.

Shawn on the other hand just watched me as I dug into my food. "Did you already eat?" I asked him. He shook his head, "I'm just watching you."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

He smiled at me and took up my book and his phone before sliding unto the chair. I started to eat out of my waffles.

"I have a Sunny D for you." I told me. I thought he was joking about his cock for a minute since that's what he called it back in the day.. But, he actually pulled out a bottle of Sunny D.

"Thank you."

He nodded. "My pleasure."

I took the Sunny D from him and placed it next to my food.

Diary Filled With Sin**' : 2015 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now