Chapter Twenty Two: Sin

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Diary filled with sin

Chapter Twenty-Two: Sin

Shawn Carter

I sniffled as I read Beyonce's diary. This diary was filled with so much cruelty, so much anxious events and so much sin.

I could not take the discourteous events that was taking place in the past so I decided to skip towards the ending of her diary.


Dear Diary,

It's been about a week and a half since Shawn and I had gotten wed-locked. It wasn't anything big. It was just the two of us. It was un-expected for us both. Shawn had decided to take me on a cruise to take my mind away from all of the drama with Camil and the job that I was practically forced to do, and some how we had came across a wedding chapel and within three days of being his fiancé, I had became his wife. No-one knows about it but the two of us and I think that Shawn wants it to be like that. Neither one of us want to hear the crackling noises of our family and friends. We have no doubt that they will hit us with the 'hardly know each other' quote.

Earlier today:

I gripped the collar of Shawn's shirt as I rested my head on his chest. The rock of the ship wasn't annoying at all, if anything it was peaceful. I felt his hand travel down my hips to my butt and he kissed the temple of my cheek sweetly. "What you trying to do?"

"Other than seduce you, you mean?" I asked with a grin. He smiled and kissed my forehead. He lifted me up and placed me right unto his stomach. "Don't stop." he murmured, squeezing my hips tight. I chuckled and ran my hands up his chest to around his neck. "Why shouldn't I?"

He raised an eyebrow and licked his lips. "Because one, you look sexy right now and two, I love when you are against me like this."

I traveled my body up to the bulge in his pants and sat up-right against it. He closed his eyes as I rocked back and forth on him. He gripped my shoulders, making me stop and zipped down his zipper. I bit my bottom lip and lifted my big white t-shirt up. I had no panties on, better access.

He pulled his jeans down along with his boxers and huskily I slid right on top, both of our heads bending back immediately. His lips released a groan along with mine and when I had finally felt all of him inside me, I began to rock. Back and forth. Slowly and steady. He looked up to watch me and pulled my head down, kissing me indulgently. "Go faster for me." He sexily breathed against my lips and I instantly began to do what he had ordered.

His mouth opened wide and he lifted me up from him. His hands gripped the sides of my hips and he made me go up and down. I began to hop against him until he couldn't take anymore and pushed me off. He hovered over me and pressured himself in. roughly pressing against my spot. I moaned loudly and he gripped my white t-shirt, taking hold of my breast.

He them picked me up and walked me to the bathroom, still pounding into me on the way there. My eyes were closed as I felt water being splashed against my neck, traveling down my body. He splashed my shirt completely and my nipple hardened. The white T became see through and he smirked. "God, you look so sexy like this."

He brought me back into the room and pulled my nipple hard, making me groan.

"Shawn, baby..Please."

He pushed me against the wall and crashed his body into mine. "Shawn!" I shouted as my climax rid down his manhood. He pulled out and walked into the bathroom, handing his business.

I laid back against the bed, I just wasn't ready to finish yet. With no hesitation, I opened my legs and rid my hand down to my area, rubbing it back and forth. I then slid a finger in, moaning out loud, still after shocked from my orgasm. Closing my eyes I continued.

"You enjoying that?" I heard his voice call and then my fingers was being replaced with his tongue. I instantly placed my hand on his head and-


"Which part are you reading?" Beyoncé asked, concerned on why my hands were in my pants. She slid to the front and looked at it. "Bey, I remembered this..." I moaned, stroking my dick back and forth. "I remember it too."

She sat in front of me in a bra and underwear probably about to go shower. I admired her closely, noticing few scars on her body and all of that was mine

"Babe, come here a sec." She crawled a little closer and I placed her diary to the side. "Let me have you again." I mumbled, dragging down my pants. She looked me in my eye and I smirked at her, placing her to lay next to me.


"Mm" I groaned as my zipper slid down. I was so erected. I needed her now. I got over her and she covered her face. She's been doing this since we've began having sex. I've never wanted to touch her since what happened to her, but she insisted the last time and that's how she is pregnant.

I gripped my hands on her stomach and she licked her lips "I'm sorry."

I placed my hands on her shoulder and pulled up my pants, knowing she had said that for a reason. "Why are you sorry?"

"I'm sorry for everything, for bringing you into trouble, your uncle, and Camil. I'm sorry for everything"

"Don't be sorry, baby girl."

"But I am even more sorry for everything you have read about my sin." she sadly stated.

"Your what?" I asked.

"My sin." she began to sniffle and I wiped her up-coming tears. I gave her a puzzled look and she took her book and showed me the cover, letting me read

'My Diary, filled with sin."


Author's Note:

This book is finished. It has been a journey. I remember when I accidentally deleted it and had to re-write it. Lol, but thanks for those who have been through this book with me and I hope you enjoyed the long run.

I will catch you later 😘

Diary filled With Sin is now.....


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