Chapter Fifteen: Familiar Pictures**'

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Chapter Fifteen: Familiar Pictures**'


I struggled to open my right eye, seeing a body frame in front of me. "My princess is finally up.." I heard the voice of my husband say. Before I could even budge, I felt his lips being pressed on my forehead.

"The operation is over Princess.." He whispered. I groaned as I sat up, seeing many cords being tied to my arms and stomach.

"How'd you get in?" I asked, looking at him with a book in his hands. "I asked your surgeon after they was finished." He answered me, studying my body. "How do you feel?"

I huffed and passed my hand on my forehead, moving the machine it was attached to. "I feel so weak baby."

He gave me a weak smile and held my hand. I looked down at our hands and looked up at him, smiling just a bit.

"Thank you.." I whispered. "For what?"

I shrugged, "For just being you...Thank you for saving me, thank you for taking care of me. Shawn, I can't thank you enough." I told him. He sat down on my bed and pressed the book on his thighs. "You don't have to thank me Princess..That's my job, I'm supposed to always take care of you."

I smiled and he smiled back, tapping his fingers unto the book. I had finally gotten the courage to look down at it, noticing my name printed on the blue hard book. Immediately, I took it from him, pressing it on my chest. "My diary.." I whispered to myself.

He chuckled and smiled. "I think you'd be needing that."

I nodded, "A lot, actually. I miss my writing." I flipped a page and began to see my cursive handwriting on the front. I smiled a bit and wiped my forming tears. "It's been with me from since day one...I've never wanted to write in it..It's my mother that gave it to me with those encouraging words..."

He raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "What were they?" he questioned.

I closed my eyes, reminiscing that day. "It was my 16 birthday, I remember seeing her take out a blue hard book cover with my name on the cover already. I had taken it from her hands, not really happy to see this gift. But, she had said... "My daughter,take this book..I might not be able to always be there for you, but I know that this book will. In this book will you hold your most untainted secrets, the ones that you wouldn't even want me or your father to know about. It will guide you through out the way. Writing everything down will take out your anger, stress, and sadness. Take it my child."

I faintly smiled..."I miss her so much.."

Shawn had given me a concerned smile, but placed his hand on my leg. "And from since then, I haven't shown anyone this book...Not her, not Angie....not even you." I told him.

He nodded and turned his head to the side, sighing a bit. I leaned into him, "Where did you find it?"

He looked back at me, "Huh?"

"My book... I remember hiding it...Where'd you find it?"

He turned to face me, looking at my both eyes, I saw my eyes twinkle within his as he spoke. "It was under your pillow..."

I licked my lips, being drawn to his aging face already...It's been a year, I pecked his cheek and laid back unto the bed. "Did you go through it?"

He nodded and dropped his head low. "I'm sorry princess, it was the only thing I had left of you. I know that it was out of place to even lay a finger on it. I'm sorry for invading your privacy."

I sighed and looked at him, shaking my head side to side. "Shawn...I didn't want anyone to read it."

He huffed and placed his hand on my knee. "I know, I'm sorry."

Diary Filled With Sin**' : 2015 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now