Chapter Two: Getting Molested**'

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Chapter Two: Getting Molested**'


I braced myself for whatever I might end up reading and began to let my eyes run across the pages, reading Bey's scribbles of words.


Dear Diary,

The worst thing happened to me. I went to Walmart, a couple of nights ago around 11 p.m. to get some tampons, because I had ran out. I walked inside, bought them and the usual sort that you will have to do to be able to walk out of a store with products. But, when I was walking outside, this strongely enormous man picked me up and placed his rough hands over my mouth before I even had the chance to scream. I struggled, trying to get our of his grasp, but it was too late. He catapulted me into the trunk of his blueish black Cadillac before telling me to 'Behave'. The man then shut the trunk on me, enclosing me into darkness. Soon enough, the car pulled to a stop and the trunk popped open once again, exposing me to fresh, clean air.

"You bastard." I spat at him, but that just pissed him off, and he slapped me across the face like some sort of animal. I shut up after that. He drug my feeble body inside a huge house that looked like a drug lord would live at in a movie of some sort. A few men watched and whistled as the other burly guy that had kisnapped me hurled my body up the steps into a dark hallway. Before I knew it, he placed me on the bed and offered me a glass of water, but me being so naive. I didn't think that it could've been drugged. I took the water and sipped in pure relief, before it all went black.

I woke up to find my arms tied to the bed with rough painful rope. The same rope that bounded me to the bed also bounded my legs to the bed. I let the tears slip from my eyes as I realized what a crisis had come from just trying to get some goddamn tampas. Never again, I thought to myself as a new man walked into the room with a smirk painted onto his terrifying face. After he stepped in, the man who brought me here crept through the door frame, which was covered in cracked and chipped paint.

"Good job, Keenan," said the unfamiliar man. The guy that I had recognized from earlier smiled in satisfaction and I couldn't believe that he could smile knowing the horrible thing he had just done to me.

"Thanks, boss."

"She will be of use to all fo us," stated the scary man, and with that he dismissed the Keenan guy out. I looked down in shock at my body that was stripped of clothes other than my cheetah prnt lingerie that I suddenly regretted wearing. The 'boss' came up to me and licked his lips before stripping down slowly to hs boxers alone. I started to sob harder as I realized what was about to happen to me. "I wonder how tight you are." I started to scream, in hopes that a neighbor or someone would hear and call the cops. Instead, the man smacked me on my soft cheeks so hard, I was positive that his hand print was left there. "You shut up. I don't know why you're crying.." He said. "I'm gonna make your sexy little slut ass feel good."

"No, please don't," I cried. I knew it would be to no avail, but maybe it could help something.

"Ungraeful little bitch." He slid my underwear to the side before pulling down his boxers and forcing his small little dick into me. Moans flew from his mouth and I cried while screaming. This would never pleasure me because I was too hurt and scared to ever focus on that. "Bet this is better than any man has ever gave you," he screamed while pounding into me even harder.

"NOT YOUR 3 INCH DICK!," I replied, full of hatred. His eyes turned absolutely coal black before he started thrusting as hard as he could into me and I screamed in terror.

Why did God let this happen to me?

My juices flowed over him and he puleld out before coming on the sheets."That's why you got what you deserved you little bitch.. You're a slut." With that, he pulled up his boxers and walked out of the room, allowing the next man to come in. I opened my jaw as I realized that each and every one of the men in this house intended on raping me. I wa-


I slammed the book shut in disgust before throwing the notebook across the room as rage overcame my body. I pushed up from where I was resting and paced back and forth on the dark wooden floors.

How the hell could this happen to her? Who did this? I can't believe this happened.. I blamed myself in part of this.. I stormed to the wall near her dresser and smashed my balled up fist into the wall. Tears ran down my face as I kept punching the hole and the items on her dresser shook, as if they were afraid of me in my fury. I had no idea what to do with myself and as I was deciding to stop, all the belongings on her dresser crashed to the ground.

I heard the perfume bottle crack and her scent filled the room. I collapsed onto the ground, an emotional wreck, and sat there crying. Why did I let this happen to her? All that I could think was,

I'm sorry Beyonce.


Ruthy ; Maia


Diary Filled With Sin**' : 2015 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now