Chapter Seventeen: Just Love**'

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Chapter Seventeen: Just Love**'


"Mrs. Carter?" I heard the voice of my doctor say. I opened up my eyes and stretched my feet low. "Yes?"

"Permission to touch you mam?"

I nodded and closed back my eyes. I then felt his hands take off my cast on my leg, as well as the foot machine. He then brought up my hospital dress, to examine my stomach.

After a while of feeling his hands pressed against there, I opened my eyes.

"Mrs. Carter.."

I looked at him and he sighed. "You're healing well...But, it's the scratches on your body that is getting me worried."

I huffed, "Please don't get worried. They'll heal"

He shook his head and smacked his lips, "I never noticed how untainted your body was. I will get you an ointment. But, it will be prescripted."

I nodded and he flashed me a small smile. "You can leave whenever you like. You're all healed and ready to go, it's just the scratches on your body that have to heal now, and since you're a bit underweight. I will be giving your husband a nutritional value paper. It will say what you can eat and what you can not."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome Mrs. Carter." he had walked to the back.

I was just about to go back to sleep but Shawn had came back. I immediately sat up with a smile and he smiled back.

He walked towards me and kissed my forehead.

"Baby, the doctor said that we can leave now..." I told him as he sat down on the bed placing my Diary beside it. "So do you want to leave right now?"

I nodded. "Yes I do...I want to get out of this hospital. I hate it. I just want to be home next to you.." I said very lowly, reaching out to touch his hand. He grinned and this time, pecked my lips. "Okay, we will leave first thing in the morning then."

I smiled and he held my hand.

I laid besides Shawn while he flipped pages of my diary. I'm not reading it so I have no idea what's got him so into it, I would rather not to know though. Mostly because my diary is filled with too much problems and way too much sex tales.

My past was way too much to deal with, I just hope my future isn't as bad.

Especially since Shawn is in the picture now.

"Shawn..." I whispered. He had pressed my book unto his thighs and glanced at me raising an eyebrow. "Yes Princess?"

"Can I shower with you?"

He studied my face for a few before letting out a low chuckle. "You want to shower with me?" he said with a smirk. I shook my head at him because it looked as though he wanted to flatter himself. "I'm serious..."

"I know you are..." He took hold of my hand and got off of the bed, walking me down the hall. When we had reached the bathroom, we walked in...He lifted up my chin and unbuttoned my shirt, dropping it unto the floor as well as my bra.

He looked up at my chest as he went on his knees, taking off my jeans. "Princess..." he called. I bent my head and looked down at him as he stood back up. "Yes?"

He walked behind of me, wrapping his arms around me as I leaned back into his body frame. "I have a surprise for you..." he whispered into my ear.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck; backwardly. "What is it?" I whispered. He chuckled, "I'm not telling you."

I rolled my eyes and giggled a bit. "A hint maybe?"

Diary Filled With Sin**' : 2015 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now