Chapter Twelve: You missed your wife

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Chapter Twelve: You missed your wife

Beyoncé Point of View;

I was woken up by a German Shepard. The dog traced my ashy legs before barking at my awoken figure. I shushed it and smacked my lips. He barked louder and I began to back up towards the dumpster. "Come on boy, be quiet for me.." I whispered. He growled and began to bark louder. I bent my neck to the side and looked at his collar reading it. "Punch"

I huffed and immediately got scared. My kid mapper had a dog named Punch. He began ruffing even louder as I heard the bushes being pushed away. I have studied my kid napper's foot steps and I knew that was him.

"Shh..." I whispered before cooing it a bit. I reached my hand out and began to fiddle his ear with my finger. He began to calm down and started to give into me. That's when I took my finger off and tip toed away from the dumpster, running towards the left. I pushed through the gates of Queens, without signing out and the sirens went off. I huffed as I ran.

All this running just because I didn't stay in the basement. I sighed as I regretted the choice that I had made. I ran even faster though there was no one behind me. I wasn't taking any chances.

Brooklyn isn't too far from here..Just a couple left's and rights and...

I began to hear gun shots. I sighed.

"Oh give me a break!!!!" I yelled and started to sprint. Taking the left's and rights that I had to take to reach my house. I sure hope my husband is home. He might even divorce me, he probably has another girl...

Would Shawn do that?

I huffed and carried on running. When the gun shots stopped so did my legs. I placed my hands on my knees taking deep long breaths before looking to my left and to my right. On the right I saw my husband's friends. The same ones who helped me. They were talking and I heard my fake name in they're conversation as well. "Sasha"

I didn't know if to approach them or if to continue running.

I continued to huff and puff until my choice had been made.

There was my house. Painted in yellow and black....Signature colors. I looked for his car but I did not see it. I lost my key the same day I was kid napped so I didn't know what to do. I finally pulled myself together and decided that I should knock...maybe he is at home. I knocked three times but he didn't answer, I continued to knock. Harder and louder. No answer. I sighed an wrapped my arms around my anorexic body looking around the neighborhood that I once used to call my own.

I groaned and saw his two friends looking my way. When they had saw me they immediately ran up towards me both of them shocked. I realized that these weren't the same guys from before...The other guys were inside the basketball court.

When they had reached me and began to study my face they're mouths dropped...

"You're alive..." whispered one. "My God Sasha....Where have you been?" whispered another.

I awkwardly began to scratch my filthy clothing. "I've been here...."

"Shawn is going to...He is just going to be shocked." one of them stated.

"Shocked? Why would he be shocked? Isn't he grieving for my appearance?" I questioned. "Of course he is! But he's going to be shocked at how much you've changed!"

I sighed and gripped my ribs that were being clearly shown. "Where is he?" I asked. "He went to get his car neutralized. So he can find out who had you."

Diary Filled With Sin**' : 2015 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now