Chapter Nine: A slut**'

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Chapter Nine: A slut**'


I crept off of the wooden bed, naked. I usually wake up around 7 a.m. But, I heard my phone ring. I shot up with a big grin, thinking that it may be my husband calling.

This may be my chance.

I was limping and tip-toeing towards the soft beating sound before sliding on my knees and un-plugging it from the outlet. I traced the cord and it led inside of a box towards a jewelry keeper. I picked the jewels up and hidden in it was my broken phone, still ringing its head off. It was a dark screen.

The day he kid napped me was the same day he dropped my phone and it immediately turned green with other blasting colors before turning completely black. I know where the answering button was and so I slid it.

That's when a big smile printed on my lips, knowing that it was indeed my husband. "Baby! Beyoncé!!!" he shouted in the phone. My hand shook, afraid to speak and so I dropped it and laid next to it, not bothering to try to hold it again.

"Shawn.." I answered. "Oh my God baby! Where are you!?" he was even more loud. When he yelled that I heard foot steps coming down the stairs. I mentally cursed myself out lunging on the hardwood floors. "SHAWN!" I yelled loudly thinking that he'd actually be here in a split second when I yelled but he wasn't.

"Who the fuck is Shawn?" He asked, showing his face. He didn't look down at my phone, and I was hoping that he wouldn't."Who the fuck is Shawn!?!" He asked again, but this time raising his voice. I slid my phone under my arm in case my husband started to speak, but luckily he didn't say a thing.

"Get up, it's time." He hissed patting his foot on the floor watching me and huffing out of his bold and big cigar. "But, it's not morning yet..." my voice started to crack up.

"IT'S TIME WHEN I SAY THAT IT'S TIME GET UP!" he yelled and threw the cigar at my face. I looked down at it before gently crawling unto my feet. When I stood up he saw my phone, that's when he picked it up and flung it right on the wall.

"I was thinking about going easy on you. But, then I saw your phone. You're getting it like all the other nights now!" he spat. I shivered and he gripped my hand. "Wait, I can make you feel good." I whispered. "You do make me feel good, that's why I have your slut ass trapped in here!"

"No, I mean real good." I was getting tired of all this rough sex, if we're going to have sex can I at least make the best out of it for once? he's been raping me for over a year now, and I'm ready to just give in and try to at least become his girlfriend or something. He's been hurting me too much, and I know the only reason that he is doing this is because he hates Shawn.

"Real good huh!? You're diseased ass gonna make me feel real good!? Such a whore!" He pushed me towards the wall.

"If I have any diseases then it's from YOU!" I yelled back. That's when he slapped me across of my soft and fragile face, causing it to bleed as soon as he did. "Like you haven't been fucking anyone else!"

"HOW CAN I WHEN I'M TRAPPED DOWN HERE!?" He slapped me again. "Sasha you know what I will do to you if you don't SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!"

I became teary eyed and he muscled a hand full of my breasts into the palm of his hands. "Please let me make you feel good." I whispered. Underneath his bad guy attitude, I could see a man in there who has feelings, emotions and some kind of lust.

He huffed. and stopped squeezing my breasts. He looked above him and squeezed my ass very gently, the way that I always wanted him to squeeze. I licked my lips and pushed him back on the wall jumping up. He caught me and I wrapped my legs around him before dropping his pants to get started.

Diary Filled With Sin**' : 2015 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now