Chapter Ten: I think we just saw her**'

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Chapter Ten: I think we just saw her**'


I climbed off of him and rested on floor closing my legs which was a hard thing to do considering how bad I've been having sex and too often. He got up and pulled up his pants. "Sasha if you touch your phone you are going to be fucking sorry." He stated before walking off and going up the stairs. I laid on the floor and out of no where tears began to fall.

I never knew he would do this to me until he finally did. He made me trust him. He was so perfect, I could've talked to him about any and everything. That was my diary right there. My husband would kill if he ever found out who has me in here right now. I just wish we hadn't argued. He does not know how bad I am grieving for his kisses, for his warm touch. For his loving body holding mines. I miss him so much.

I continued to mourn and laid on the cold floor not bothering to find a curtain to cover my body with. I looked around the basement and licked my peeling lips until I spotted something.

I've never seen that!

I immediately jumped up from the floor and looked around. I found a shirt that I've had on the same day he kidnapped me and placed that on and putting on the teared jeans that I also had on that day. I wasn't going to bother myself to put on shoes. I picked up my broken phone and began to climb the ladder. When I reached the top I pushed my hand up and a glass window opened. It made a squeaky noise and I knew that he heard it. I jumped up landing on the roof and looked around me before jumping down unto the grass on one knee.

I looked back and one of his dogs were out and it saw me. He started to bark. "Shit!! Shut up!" I blissfully whispered. But of course it didn't listen. I began to run and it chased after me. I jumped over unto the man that kid napped me bridge. The dog hopped on it barking. Other dogs saw me and began to chase me well. I heard a door opening. That's when I climbed the gate with the dogs jumping up on it trying to get my legs. I pressed my cut up arms unto the wall and fell down immediately. I was outside.

I heard gun shots going off and I began to run fastly. Not knowing where I was. Tears streamed down my face and I wistfully ran. I heard a car and I knew he was chasing me. I looked back and there he was in his car with his gun out of the window shooting.

I started to run faster placing my shoulders up and my fingers pressed together. I took a corner and looked back. He had the gun facing me at this point. I almost tripped so I looked forward focusing on my running. I saw someone familiar leaning on a gate. I looked at him as I ran and when he heard gun shots he turned to look at the scene. He saw me and I saw him.

I couldn't put my finger on it. But he looked familiar. His jaw dropped when he saw me and he dug into his pocket pulling out a gun shooting at the man's car. The car stopped and I continued to run, leaving this problem between my kidnapper and whoever that man was.

I took another corner trying to find out where I was but I had no idea. FUCK, why did I even do this!?

Sweat and tears were unto my face and I heard gun shots so I started to run again. Not knowing where the hell I was going, but I was going to try to get help.

People were looking out of they're windows looking at how fast I was running and also hearing the glass of windows shattering. As if, people were trying to help me escape.

No matter how fast I ran it eventually came to the point when I was slammed into a corner by his car on someone else's house.


I was hearing gun shots going off like crazy and it seemed as if something terrible was going on outside.

I'm definitely not getting into it. I laid back down on her bed flipping another page not paying any attention to what was going on outside.

Diary Filled With Sin**' : 2015 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now