Chapter Eight: Beyoncé and Kewan's second date**'

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Chapter Eight: Beyoncé and Kewan' s second date

Beyoncé Point of View***

I laid on the hard cold floors body shaking, naked and hungry. My teeth shattered as I covered my body that was filled with cuts with my soft hands that absolutely gave me no body warmth, still it was worth a shot. I heard my phone ringing like it always does but I have never gotten a chance to pick it up, he hid it and also broke the screen so it was black and I couldn't see a thing. I always knew that it was my husband but I can never pick it up.

He would hurt me more than usual if I ever answered my husband's calls. Yet, he charges it. He makes no sense whatsoever. I picked my body up and limped my way over to the hard wood bed that was provided. I painfully sat on it and saw my blood travel against the wood making new blood stains on the old ones that were already there.

This man didn't only physically hurt me, he hurts me mentally and emotionally. My heart jumped as I heard his foot steps come down towards the basement. I gripped the worsened headboard as his black shoes were the first to show. In his right hand he held a plate and In his left was a bucket of ice. He finally showed his face out of the dark and walked towards my bed resting the plate on my lap. I screeched and he placed the bucket next to me.

He un-covered the plate for me and it was a peanut butter sandwhich. The first meal that I had this month. He only feeds me once a month while he digs into his plate every day. He pushed his hand in the bucket taking an ice and smirked at me before placing his lips on my neck and resting his hand on my breasts. He moved the ice up and down in the middle of my breasts. Up and down.

He then kissed my lips and took the ice from my chest before digging it inside of my.... You know what. I "sss'd and he pulled it out and stopped kissing me before licking the ice and place it in his mouth biting it extremely hard.

"You make me sick.." I mumbled expecting him to beat me because of what I said but instead, he turned on his heels and walked off. . . I stared at my peanut butter sandwhich and began to eat it. Thoughts of Shawn crossed my mind as I ate. A year ago, the day before I gotten kid nap. I was four weeks pregnant. He knew that I was pregnant, although I have never told him specifically but he had a thought. Our child...I huffed and let the tears flow against my cheeks, it began sting. Most likely, because there were a few cuts on there.

They would have been a year old right now.

I huffed and began to chew on a bar of ice.


Shawn's Point of View:

I angrily got out of my car, grabbing her diary finally heading into my house which I haven't entered in a day or two. I shut and locked the door to our mansion and made my way around the balcony towards the living room and down the hall. I opened her personal room, leaving Ours completely empty.

The scent of her perfume was still awaken in the air. I shut her room door and took a seat on the bed and reached for her jewelry box and took out our wedding bands. The day she was missing was the day we had an argument. The day she threw her wedding band at my chest and the day I threw mines at hers. That day was still fresh in my memory.

Beyoncé was too fresh in my memory. My home boys would always tell me "Boy, you too whipped, she's been gone for a year. You're lucky if she's alive."

I huffed and shook my head. They just don't know.

I'm not whipped. I'm in love. My first love was her and I want her to be my last love, I want to spend the rest of my days with her. Even though my days may not be long.

Diary Filled With Sin**' : 2015 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now