Chapter Six: Meeting up with Shawn

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Chapter Six: Meeting up with Shawn


I smashed my foot unto the breaks as fast as I could. The car jumped back and I did a huff of a prayer before turning off my engine and getting out. When I got out, I lifted up the cover of my car just to check over and to make sure that everything was in order,and exactly the way it was supposed to.

A shadow appeared behind me. "Need help?" I heard a female's voice say. I turned around extremely fast, in hope to see Beyoncé standing before me, but it was my neighbor. A sigh of disappointment came over me as I said,

"Thank you, but I got it."

She gave me an awkward smile and walked off. I huffed and closed the cover of my car in a hard manner. I was getting tired of this!

I pulled out my phone, dialing Beyoncé's number.

It went straight to voicemail, that's what it's been doing since I filed a Missing Report . . .

"She's been gone for too long" I whispered to myself. I pushed my phone back in and leaned on the glass of my car, looking down at my feet. Beyoncé's diary was open. I sighed and bent down picking it up.

I definitely wanted to continue reading, even though I know that it is wrong for me to read it, but what can I say? I don't know where my wife is, and reading this book seems like it'll help me find her, and I need to find her before it's too late.

"She's been gone for too long" I repeated

With that being said I gripped the book tightly and flipped a page.


Dear Diary,

I met up with Shawn today, I also went on my little date with Kewan...

I don't know if calling it a " date " was appropriate. But, it's the first thing that came to mind. My meet up with Shawn today was actually, a little . . . fun? That's what to call It? I'll just write about it.


I woke up by a ringing phone. I reached for it, about to answer when Camil's name came upon the screen. I sighed and of course ignored the call. I slid out of my bed sheets about to go start my day.

I was standing in my towel , wet in front of the television when my phone rang again. It was a different ring tone, meaning that it was a text this time. I picked my phone up and looked at the screen.

"I know you ignored it. You sent me straight to voicemail. Why?"

I ignored his text message as well. Angie walked inside my room. "Someone is outside for you.." She said. I looked at the time. Shawn never said he'd come for me and its not nine just yet. It's probably Camil.

He's been calling all yesterday afternoon and last night.

I grabbed a t shirt. "Send him in."

She nodded and raised an eyebrow probably wondering how I knew what the gender was before exiting. I dropped my towel and placed my shirt on my body and sat down on the bed with one foot standing on the other one laying. I began to lotion my skin.

Camil walked in and closed the door behind him and looked at me. I placed my lotion on the side and brought both of my legs down.

Diary Filled With Sin**' : 2015 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now