Chapter Four: Another job/ My boss

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Chapter Four: Another job/ My boss


I grabbed my keys off of the counter, not once fixing my enrages face. I took her diary on the way out and walked down the steps towards my car. I opened the blue BMW and got in, starting the engine. I was about to drive until I realized that I didn't know where her molested scene happened. I didn't even know where she lived before she moved to New York. Heck, I don't know where she is from. She hidden so many things from me. I sighed and picked up her diary flipping pages to see if she stated where she was living at the moment, but saw nothing. I huffed and went back to the part I was on before I got angry and raced out here. I flipped a page continuing on...


Dear Diary,

It's been a few weeks after I found out that I was pregnant, and I just got through with surgery, to abort my child. This experience was over the edge and nothing that I had imagined, but it had to be done. I was definitely not going to give birth to a child that I would be afraid to even touch or look at. I didn't want to feed and clothe the same sperm that messed me up.

I also got my tubes tied along the way. Angie was against everything that I did, but at the moment, I didn't care. I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to move the hell on from that molest.

Anyways, let's get past that. I'm going to tell you what happened yesterday at the club.

I was doing my job, swirling around the poles as usual. Gaining cheers from the audience every time I was about to go on in my half clothing. I did my act and earned more than dollar bills on the stage, men were throwing 5s,10s,50s,100s...I got off of the stage after collecting my money and my friend Laura grabbed me by my arm. I looked back and she had raised both of her eyebrows, giving me a worried look.

"That man over there wants to see you." She spoke gesturing towards the man that was by a table sitting down and drinking a beer. I looked at the man a bit confused but yet, I walked over. He had a huge smile on his face as he stood up to greet me.

"Hello.." he said. I passed my fingers through my hair before flipping it to the side not answering his greeting. "Take a seat." he told me. I ignored him and refused to sit next to any type of man. For all that I know, he can pull me out of the club and rape me. I don't want htat to happen again, and it will not happen again.

He looked a bit upset at my selfish behavior but dug into his pocket. I looked back to see Laura staring at us, making sure everything was okay. I glanced back at him and he had a card in his hand, pushing it my way. I took it from him. "It's a card to come work over at my fiend's place. It's cool, and it's better than here. Turn the card around."

I did what he said and reading it, It said '$200 an hour.'

"If you get the job, you will be working for five hours." he told me. I raised my right eyebrow at him and he past his fingers through his curly spanish brown hair. "Please, let me hear your voice.." He practically begged. I sighed and held the card tightly. "I'll check it out..." I said. He smiled, but I didn't smile back. I turned around and walked towards the back. "What did he want?" Laura asked when I was on my way to my boss/ex boyfriend's office. I huffed and pressed the palm of my hands on the office door. "Nothing important." I mumbled.

I opened the door without looking back and closed it. Behind the desk, there he was with his feet on the table and his arms behind his head. "Well, Well...." he stated with a smirk. I walked up to where he was and placed the money on his desk. He took it and started to count.

Diary Filled With Sin**' : 2015 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now