Chapter Nineteen: Eerie*'

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Chapter Nineteen: Eerie*'

Beyonce's Point of View

I had my head nestled under neath the comforters, scared and un-pleased. There was the sounds of thunder, lightening was hitting my glass windows and Shawn was no where to be found. I grumbled and rocked back and forth wondering where he had gone. It had been about 1 month since we moved into this new home and I do love it, but it is way too big for just the both of us. It's too quiet at night unless "Coco" who is our puppy is barking at the moon light. It is just too much. I am in love with it though and I definitely do not want to move out.

While the moon shined unto my comforter, the lightening hit against the glass, strucking it with the sound of thunder. I immediately jumped and that's when I heard my door fly open. Expecting for Shawn to be the one standing at the door coming over to comfort me. I saw someone else who I wasn't expecting.



Shawn's Point of View

I had parked my car next to the driveway of the unappealing home that Camil had once lived in. Cracking my fingers and letting my hand out of the opened windows; I felt the glistening rain between them, letting me know for a fact that the nature was calling Camil out. I opened my car door and pressed my black timberlands deep into the brown soil before making a move out and shutting the door back. I could hear the sounds of the dogs who lives here bark at my presence, but I wasn't scared. Not one bit. I made my way towards the slightly opened gate and pushed through, making sure not to make any swift noises.

I placed my hand unto the firm door knob and that was when I heard a voice from the outside, calling my name. "Shawn....Shawn Carter.." I heard, I quickly turned around and stared at the hispanic guy whose hands were filled with cocaine. "Camil...Camil Hernandez" I replied in the exact same tone he did. He chuckled "Why are you here? Where's Beyonce?" He asked, looking around and glancing back at me, giving me that sarcastic look. I leaned back on his door. "Where's Kewan?"

His eyes opened a bit wide and the thunder struck exactly then, making the entire scene eerie. "Kewan? Your uncle?" he questioned, walking up to me some more. "Nigga, you know who I'm talking about."

He laughed and turned in a circle, turning his back my way. "That nigga dead."

I got off of his door, clutching my fists. "Camil, tell me where the hell he is." I stated, piercing my eyes into his back. He did a laugh, and the rain became to pour harder than it was. I groaned and gripped my gun that was inside of my back pocket. "I'm giving you one last chance!" I huffed out. He turned around, and as soon as he did. My gun was waiting right in front of his face. He did a little hurl and dropped his cocaine. "Now, tell me where he is and you won't get hurt."

Camil stared me in my eyes and tried to snatch the gun from my hand, that's when I knocked him out with my fists and he laid against the ground. I quickly jumped above him, placing one foot on his chest and the other unto the grass. "I'm giving you one last fucking chance!" I warned, clicking my gun off of safety mode. He groaned and gripped my timberland trying his hardest to get out of my grip, but I had him settled. "Fuck boy." I said before raising the gun into the air and clicking the trigger. He heard the gun sound off and that's when he looked at me with consternation. Camil was afraid.

"Wherever Beyonce is....That's where he is at." he confessed, loosening my boot. I squashed his cocaine and ran out of his yard, hopping into my car and driving home.


Beyonce's Point of View

"Where is he!?" Kewan shouted into my face, spitting on my face as he did. The tears was drying unto my face "I don't know!" I yelled back. Kewan growled and slapped my face, I was used to this type of treatment. After all, I've been recieving it for about a year. "Answer my fucking question! Where the fuck is Shawn!?"

"I'm right here Uncle Kewan.." I could hear Shawn say as he entered the room. He looked at me and saw that I was tied down to the chair. "Why the hell would you lie about your fucking death!" Shawn said, obviously pissed and walking his way. Kewan could've only laugh. "What are you talking about?"

"You raped my fucking wife...." he continued. "Shawn.." I whispered.

"You kidnapped her for over a year!" he yelled out. "Shawn!" I repeated. "Beyonce shut the fuck up! You've been covering for him. He's been beating you. Look at yourself!"

I bent my head down and sighed, letting the tears fall. If only he knew why I was hiding all of this from him.

"Kewan. I'm not tolerating this any longer!" Shawn shouted. Kewan didn't say a thing, instead he was quiet. No words came out of his mouth. Kewan placed his two hands up in the air and Shawn raised his gun. "You wanted to be dead didn't you? Isn't that why you lied to us both?" Shawn asked squinting his eyes and pressing the gun on the palm of his hands. "Shawn listen to me." Kewan had finally said. Shawn raised an eyebrow and did a low angry chuckle. "I'm sorry."

Shawn groaned and finally pulled the trigger, watching Kewan's body drop down. "Bullshit!!!!"


Author's Note:

I haven't updated this book in a while :( and now that I have it's so short, but ya'll can't even blame me because these exams ain't no damn joke :(

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I hope that it has you on the tip of your toes haha.

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