Chapter Seven: Beyoncé and Kewan's date night

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Chapter Seven: Beyoncé and Kewan's date night

**Beyoncé POINT OF VIEW:

"GET AWAY!" I yelled backing up towards the wall. I gripped his silky white curtain as he pinned me on the wall.

"Get away huh?" he questioned and gripped my waist. I placed my right leg up and pushed it on the wall. "Why are you doing this!? What have I done!?" I asked. He gripped my towel and took it off of me flinging it across the room. "You haven't done anything, I just like seeing you suffer!" he spat and gripped my wrist bringing me closer to him and slithering his tongue down my throat. I pressed my hands on his chest trying to push him away and he stepped back watching me.

"You know what happens when you do that ma." he said and pulled his belt out of the belt hooks. He pushed his hand as far as it could and swung it right on my behind. I screeched and he dropped the belt and took his pants off.

"Come here bitch."

My tears traveled down my face as I hovered over towards him. I slowly slid down to my knees and before I started he gripped my pony tail. "Did your black ass take a shower!?"

"Yes..That's why I was wearing the towel." I said very awkwardly. "You giving me smart mouth!?!" He yelled gripping my hair tighter and looking at me. I shook my head very fast. "No, no I'm not. I swear."

He chuckled and rolled his eyes right after. "You're beautiful little sluty ass is always talking shit when you know what I'd do to you."

I didn't say anything, I looked up at him and he gave me a ugly smirk. "GET TO WORK!" he spat. I closed my eyes tightly and looked down at his drawers bringing them down slowly and seeing his erection point straight out of his boxers. I huffed and started to place all of him into my mouth.

Where is Shawn? Is he even looking for me? I've been gone for a year and still no one has found me. In this basement is where I go. I hardly get fed, I hardly get to take a womenly shower. I need my husband.

The thoughts keep coming while I deep throated him and the tears began to fall as I did.

***Shawn's POINT OF VIEW:

I buried my face into the steering wheel bawling my eyes out. Beyonce's diary shook in my sweaty hands as I took a deep breath.

"I have to man up" "She's probably just dead"

I ignored those thoughts and shook my head as I did. I gripped her diary tightly with all of me bending my head and continued to weep. Where the fuck is she!?

I punched the steering wheel with frustration and heard the noise of the blow horn go off. I angrily grabbed her fragile diary and turned the page with anger; continuing from the part I left off.


I left the park and went straight home doing absolutely nothing for the day. Until Laura called and that was about five a.m.

"BEY!" She yelled once I answered. I huffed, "What's up?"

I can tell that she rolled her eyes. "Don't "what's up" me. Where the fuck are you?! I saw how angry you left your boyfriend and everyone in the club heard the gun shots, along with seeing your dramatic tears flow through the tables."

I sighed. "I think I broke up with him again.." I whispered.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" She huffed, as did I. "Look, he was treating me really bad, what the hell was I supp--"

Diary Filled With Sin**' : 2015 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now