Chapter Three: Beyonce's pregnancy test**'

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Chapter Three: Beyonce's pregnancy test**'


As I sat there grieving for Beyonce's presence, wanting to explain how sorry I was, how selfish I was to not notice that something so bad could've happened to her. I came when everything was settled. Well, almost. Before I even met her, she's been going through massive things. I couldn't help but to think of it being my fault even though I hadn't known her back then. What questioned me was that she always had a smile on her face.

Was that smile she had been giving me all these years phony?

I looked at her diary that I had just thrown across the room. I bent down, slowly sliding my fingers under the book, lifting it back up and turning it around. Showing it's lines with her hand writing pressed in-between them. I turned the page, skipping some pages, not wanting to hear the rest of her molested scenery.


Dear Diary,

It's been a month since I had that incident with those men. It was a terrible memoir in my mind that I still gotten nightmares from. My body still trembled whenever I saw any man on the street. Any man that was around me suddenly could not be trusted. Not only that, but I have lost complete self-esteem in myself. I don't know what to so with myself. I even missed my period this month.

I had told my cousin Angie to get a pregnancy test for me since I was never ever going to take runs to Wal-mart anymore. I'm terrified. Hell, I'm mortified. I'm crying as I write this. Nothing could ever, change the fact that I had no confidence in showing my body anymore. I can't even look at myself in the mirror, I can't look at my face. Not, one smile could dance upon it anymore.

Not, only that but I feel like no one cares. I was about to quit my job because of what happened.

My stripping job.

What am I going to do with myself?

I had a boyfriend, Yes... I "had" a boyfriend. I've became so afraid of men that I couldn't even keep mine, and on top of that he was the boss of where I worked.

The Hot'Light Club of New York.

I broke up with him, but I did not quit my job. I don't think I can ever do that, no matter how much pain I am in. I love my job. Every time I see that pole, everything changes. I am not Beyonce anymore. I've became a different character, a different person. Someone who wasn't afraid of showing a little skin while recieving a few bills.

Sigh... I just wish that I had a normal life. I'm tired of living for someone else. I want to make myself happy. But I just don't know how, nor do I know the steps to get there..

Angie just walked in . . . Bye.


There was a tear stain on the same page, I guess when she was writing. Angie had walked in, and she didn't want her to see her writing in her book.. I flipped the page.


I just got the results. I am pregnant. Not by my boyfriend, but by someone else. I don;t even know the father because so many men released into me that day. I can't keep this baby.....I won't...


Is this why Beyonce never wanted children with me? Because of what someone else did to her long before she met me? No, she shouldn't have done that. I really wanted a child with that woman. My life, The girl that I shared everything with. Now, I can't even get the children..

I sighed and placed her book unto my face.

Anger suddenly raged up my body and I shot off of the bed. standing unto my feet. How could someone be so cruel to my wife!?

When she wrote about her molesting experience. She had mentioned a name. The name of one of the men that had taken part in this rape. His name was.... Keenan

That's who I am going to look for...This Keenan..



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