Chapter Eleven: 9481**'

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Chapter Eleven: 9481**'


I held the glass window behind me as my kid napper jumped out of the car aiming straight at my head. I scraped my finger nails on the glass and bit my bottom lip hard.

"Why would your dumb ass even try any of that shit!?" he asked placing his index finger on the trigger. I backed up more unto the glass window and he chuckled. "Oh, now you're fucking scared!? Talking about you want to make me feel good and you bitch ass escape!" he spat.

I backed up more and he raised an eyebrow. "I don't even want your skinny ass to please me anymore. Look at you, plane out hideous." He insulted while looking me up and down. "So, you still expect me to be that beautiful girl you spotted even after you've abused me? That makes no sense!"

He pressed the gun on my forehead. "I already told you that I do not like hearing you talk back!!!!" he shouted. Just as he did gun shots went off and my kid-napper turned around, looking at them.

The man that I had spotted earlier when I was running was there with his gun in the air along with a friend. I looked at them for a good while, although it was dark and I couldn't see that very well.

"Leave her the fuck alone!" the familiar man told my kid-napper. Once I heard his voice I knew just then that was one of Shawn's friends. "Leave who alone?" My kid-napper asked with a chuckle. "Let Sasha Go!!!" the other one yelled and fired a shot in the air.

"Let her go?! Hell no! This little bitch owes me!" he yelled and squished my face to the back of the glass window. The familiar guy fired a shot in the air. "I am going to count down.." He hissed. My kid-napper took the gun off of my forehead and looked at the guy that looked familiar. The other one nudged his head to the left, signaling that I should go back to running. I looked at the three of them before jumping on the roof of the car and jumped off going on the other side making a run for it.

Before I knew it, gun shots were being fired after me and after the two men. I huffed as I ran and took a corner, I was still hearing the gun shots. But, they weren't getting fired after me anymore.

I have no idea why I did this...I have no money, no shelter, no loved ones...

I sighed and sat behind of a dumpster hugging my knees and rocking back and forth.

**** Shawn

I closed the book before it was finished mostly because there was a huge racket of noise at my door steps. I jumped up and ran towards the door peeking through the hole.

I opened it and Kanye stood in front of me along with Sean.

They both had they're guns in they're hands. I looked at them and they were panting.

"What? it had a shoot out and no-one called me!?" I asked.

Sean huffed. "It...Wasn't planned Jay.." He said taking deep breaths. I looked at Kanye and his hands were on his knees. "I think we just saw your wife."

My eyes shot open and I out of no where anger traveled towards my fists. "Why the fuck didn't one of you call me!?" I yelled after them. Kanye huffed loudly and so did Sean. "It wasn't planned Jay!" Kanye yelled after me.

"I don't give a shit! That's my fucking wife and I want to take care of whoever the hell has her!!!"

Sean looked at me. "Jay, we fucking helped her. Calm the fuck down."

Diary Filled With Sin**' : 2015 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now