Chapter Eighteen: The Surprise***'

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Chapter Eighteen: The Surprise***'


2 Months later

"Babe" the voice of my husband echoed into the living room. I so happened to hear him even though it had a ton of noise from the television. "Yes baby!" I answered back. He walked into the living room taking a seat next to me with a smile. "Guess what?" he questioned. I rolled my eyes and began to feast on some popcorn. "You know that I'm not good at guessing." I slaughtered. He laughed and dug into my bag of popcorn. "Your surprise is ready..."

My eyes opened wide and I dropped the bag. "What is it!?" I excitedly asked. He chuckled and stood up, taking my hand. "Have you already showered?" his stupid question fumed me. "Shawn, we showered together." I annoyingly stated. His mouth formed an "O" and I slapped his cheek, looking for my flip-flops. "You really need to get on the edge with remembering simple things like this."

He chuckled and smiled brightly. "Let me take you to your surprise then."


I opened my side of the car, placing my feet alongside the grass. "Shawn, why are we at these people's home?" I asked, looking at the tall looking mansion in front of me. "The people is us.."

When he had said that I spun all the way around "What!? This big ass house!?"

He nodded "Mhm, I remembered that day when you complained about our small house back in Brooklyn so here we are...Manhattan baby."

I rushed to his side and hopped on him burying my face into his neck. "Alright babe, don't mess up your hair." he whispered, passing his hands through my new boob length cut he had paid for. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. I jumped off of him and rushed into the big house. There was a big red bow on the very top and I looked back at him, receiving an amazing smile. "Shawn...You went all out boo." I said, gazing at the door that was made out of entirely white concrete. He walked up to me with a smile, kissing my cheeks. "I gotta go all out for this beautiful lady next to me."

I looked around him, acting envious. "Who is she?!" I asked, crossing my arms and frowning. He chuckled with a shrug. "I don't know. She was here just a minute ago." I rolled my eyes "Where'd she go?" I questioned, now acting furious. "Maybe if you look in the mirror she'll be there."

I smiled and hugged him. "Oh my God baby, I am so blessed to have a man like you." I gushed, kissing him all over."

"Yeah, yeah...You can thank me when we hit the bedroom." He smirked. I raised an eyebrow and chuckled, grabbing his both hands. "Come here..."

I walked aside the pool and tennis court just before I actually made it to the front door. Briskly, I opened the door. I ran inside to find white solid walls inside along with sculptures around. I made it to the kitchen and noticed an island with every kitchen ventilation you could find. "Shawn, this must have costed a fortune..."

He chuckled and nodded "Hell fucking yeah it did, but inspite that...It was for a good cause."

I turned to look at him with a smirk and made my way up the staircase, falling in love with every wall or sculpture I had seen. There were about five doors down this hallway and I made my way towards the very end. I opened it and stood there, gasping. A small brown haired puppy was laying on the bed, rolling around. Shawn walked up behind me and pulled my hand in. He had closed the door behind him and what happened next ;)


Dear Diary,

Camil just entered my house. No permission at all. Not one. Though, I did allow him to come in. I laid against the island and looked at how startling he made his way to me.

"So you like Brooklyn guys huh!?" he asked, taking hold of my hand. I raised an eyebrow "What Mexico?"

He huffed "You know that I'm from Puerto Rico!" he shouted. I laughed innumerably. "Camil what do you want?" I questioned. He took hold of my hips and dropped me on top of my island, ripping off my clothing. "I want you.." he confessed, I opened my mouth just a bit before agreeing on him fucking me. Shawn wasn't committing to me just yet so why shouldn't I? Nothing is official...Right?

He quickly jolted down his jeans, passing his hands through his Spanish hair. "Beyonce, whose the Brooklyn guy?" he asked me. I shrugged "I have no idea what you're talking about."
He furiously pulled his dick out of his boxers and pushed my underwear to the side. "Whose the Brooklyn guy huh!?" he asked once more.
I chuckled "Camil, if you're going to threaten me with your dick, it's not working."

He smirked and pushed into me very quickly, making me moan loud as hell because I wasn't ready. "Camil, you don't even know him!"

"No! I know exactly who that fucking fucker is! So what!? Your boyfriend Kewan dies and you're fucking his nephew!?"

I grumbled as he vibrated his cock into me. "Camil, just fuck me please.." I bent my head back and he did what I had asked.

He cleaned up and I pulled up my underwear. This was not one inch close to Shawn's fucking...Though, who am I to judge someone who has a dick but can't use it.

"Now answer me!" he incandescently yelled. I huffed and opened my eyes wide. "Look Mexico, your fucking was cool, but do not lift your voice after me in my own fucking house!!!"

He grumbled "Just fuck it!"

"Thank you, get out!"
He pushed me on the island and walked out of the door. I shook my head and walked behind him, pushing him out and closing the door, locking it.


I placed her journal to the side, shaking my head. Camil, you're getting it...


(The picture of the house that is up, it is actually Beyonce's home. No lie. )

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