Chapter Thirteen: Freedom

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Chapter Thirteen: Freedom


I climbed my way up the ladder, sitting on top of the roof with pure anxiety. I was exhausted. I wanted to find love again, I want to be loved...I want to be cared for...I want to be free...

I was so close to my husband...too close, I can't stop now. I won't stop now. I need him...I need him to hold me tight, to tell me how much he misses me and how much he still loves me.

I don't know if he still loves me for sure...And if he does, I don't think he will any longer when he sees what happened to his thick slim girl...

I covered my arms around my feeble body, in total disgust of how febrile I looked. Too ugly, I wouldn't even dare to look at myself in a mirror...My ribs were clearly shown, along with my skin that had over 20 cuts. That man hurt me...I don't know what I did to him, but now...I regret whatever I may have done.

My arms shook as I began to run my hands against my poor bone structure...I need a shower....I need food.

I laid down on the person's roof top, mentally begging for someone to find me..Someone nice for exact.

The roar of thunder occurred, along with a strike of lightening.. I sighed as the rain began to slowly pour on my body..Giving me a hint of water that I haven't gotten in a long time. I was peaceful for a minute, that was until some man that looked like my kid-napper found me and pulled to a stop, getting out of his vehicle.

My body shook in the cold, frightened..unsure on what to do..I'm weak, no strength. He looked up at me and placed his hands on his waist piercing his eyes at me.

God, what did I do!?

What have I done to deserve this!?

Please let this be a test on my strength!





The rain poured on the front of my red truck, I turned on the wind shield wipers as Kevin and Kobe sat in the back, telling me where they had seen her run off to. I was in the middle of passing some houses when Kevin yelled.

"Stop the car!!!"

I pulled to a stop. "What?" I looked back at him.

"Reverse for a second..." Kevin said.

Kobe huffed. "She took a right over here Jay.."

I was about to hit the gas when Kevin jumped up leaning over the ignition. "Reverse Jay!!!" He pulled the car on reverse and pressed his hands on my thighs, making it press the gas, so we would be reversing. He hit the other thigh, making it press the brakes and pulled the car to park.

"What the hell are you doing son!?" I asked. Kevin ignored me and me and Kobe looked at him like he was crazy while he got out of the car. As soon as he got out, the rain poured all over his body. He stood in front of a car..I squinted my eyes, seeing

"9481" as the license plate number. Without telling Kobe anything, I got out.

I began to run after Kevin, with my gun loaded. Kobe also decided to get out, following me. We could hear the person that was driving the car, talking as a woman with a weak voice responded.

Diary Filled With Sin**' : 2015 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now