Chapter Twenty One: The Test**'

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Chapter Twenty One: The Test**'


( 6 weeks later )

I pivid down the hallway into the bedroom. Shawn was laying there peacefully asleep. A smile danced across my face and I walked towards him, shaking him just a little. "Get up." I mumbled, as he gripped the sheets. A sleepy groan slipped from his lips and he dragged his foot up and hugged the pillow that I usually sleep on. "Shawn..." I whispered, but I still had not gotten any actual movement from him. "Oh my God baby, your credit card was delined!" I shouted softly and Shawn jumped out of the bed faster than an earthquake. "How!? I paid the bill last week!" he argued, looking confused. He scratched the top of his head and I laughed. He immediately gave me a long look of fury. "What on earth is so funny?" he asks. I chuckled, "Shawn, nothing. Come, I have to show you something." I said, taking hold of his hand. "My credit card wasn't really declined, right?" he questioned. I could've only laughed at his concern and shook my head. "No, it wasn't. I was just trying to get you up, and it worked."

He rolled his eyes. "Is that so?" he playfully asked, gripping my hand tightly. "Yes, Shawn."

He gave me a smirk as I led him towards the bathroom. "What are you showing me?" he asked. I gave him a small smile, barely. "I don't know if you'll be mad or happy." I stated, tapping my foot. "Beyonce, what is it?"

"We don't have to keep it."

"What are you talking about, Beyoncé."

"I promise you, this doesn't have to get ugly."

"Beyoncé, will you just open the door."

I glanced at the bathroom door and back at him, sighing. My hand turned the doorknob and we both entered. There it was, my pregnancy test. It sat firmly unto the counter, quiet. He looked at it and picked it up, examining the plus sign. "You could be pregnant?" he asks, a smirk inbetween. I shrugged and he smiled. "Bey, how on earth could I be angry at this amazing, little machine?" he whispered, turning it around in every direction. I sighed and placed my hands on my hips. "I don't know."

"Bey, I've wanted a child with you for-years !" he exclaimed, obviously excited. "Don't get your hopes up, Shawn. Some pregnancy tests are foul." I reminded him. He placed the test down and smiled even brighter. "I've been watching you for a week or so and I had a summon feeling that you were pregnant. You've been running to the bathroom more often, baby girl. It's not foul."

"We had sex once since you've gotten me back and I can be already pregnant. Shawn, have you forgotten the pain I've went through. I've been pregnant twice and haven't given birth, I doubt that I can be pregnant again, and if I am, I'm not sure that I can move on from this living nightmare." I admit, he leaned on the bathroom wall and huffed. "Beyonce, what's a living nightmare? The person who've done all those bad things to you are dead, gone. I've killed them. You are with me now, I'd never treat you with so little respect." He stated, with willing and reassuring eyes.

I sigh. "Baby, it's not that. I just, I'm scared." I confessed and without any warning, I was pulled into his embrace. He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead. "There's no reason to be scared baby girl, I'm with you now."

I began to tear up on his shoulder and he continued to rub my back.



I rubbed Beyonce's back while she cried, understanding why she was so afraid. She has been in this situation more than once and still have not given birth. I sighed, knowing that there was practically nothing that I could do, but to stick by her side during it all and to show her how much I actually cared about her. I kissed her forehead and had given her a reassuring smile. "Beyoncé, whether you're pregnant with my baby or not, I'm not going anywhere. That's going to be our gift baby." I pulled her closer to me, nuzzling her closer to my chest.

Diary Filled With Sin**' : 2015 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now