Chapter Fourteen: Two children?

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Chapter Fourteen: Two children?


I laid there, with my husband's arms around me. Feeling safe, accomplished. I missed him so much, and I'm sorry that he had to get me back this way. He probably expected the thick ole me....Now? Not so much..

I sighed and bent my head on his chest, feeling comfortable but not quite.

"Are you okay princess?" he asked. I nodded my head, and looked up at him. That is all he would call me when we got married. Princess. Hearing him say it again made me so grateful, I haven't heard a compliment in a long time...So hearing my husband tell me this on a regular basis, regardless of how I looked. I know for a fact that I'll feel really good about myself.

He kissed my forehead and I couldn't get over the fact that he really miss me. The way he looks at me, shows me that he did...He stares at me as if I'm his world, his lost treasure...His gold.

He brought me closer towards him, making me know that I've been missed by a lot, but especially by him. He kissed my two cheeks and lifted me up in the air, placing me on top of him. "I'm taking you to the doctor in a few..." He whispered, playing with my hair. I was trying to smile at him, but I couldn't. I knew something was wrong.

"Do you need help to run the shower?" he asked. I shook my head and he helped me unto the floor, walking me to the bathroom. "I know where it is....I didn't forget." I said softly, walking inside the door. I took a towel and a wash cloth, entering the bath. I then un-dressed myself and ran the luke warm water over my body. I bent my neck back, feeling this amazing feeling I haven't felt in literally a year. A shower.

My breath quickened as I began to feel it get cold, making me feel as though I was going breathless.. I brought my head back up but it was still happening. I held my chest and coughed, holding it tightly.

"Princess are you alright in there!?" I heard Shawn ask from the hallway... "Uh, yes....I'm fine.."

He turned the knob and walked in, seeing me holding my chest.

He got closer and took my hand off of my chest, checking out the bruises. "Who did this to you? Who hurt you!?" He asked.

"You killed him last night...." I held in my bottom lip and he traced the cuts around my chest, shaking his head. "That wasn't him, he just happened to have the car. Who hurt you princess?"

I hugged my own waist, looking at him almost as though I was scared to say. "Come on, tell me so I can go find him and kill his fucking ass for doing this to you...Beyoncé I'm keeping my calm, who did this to you!?"

I shrugged and he sighed, walking around in a circle "WHO THE FUCK DID THAT!!?!!" he yelled, clenching his fists. I jumped back and he sighed...

I've had enough yelling already...I didn't need this.

He held under his stomach and groaned, looking upset at all the bruises on my skin. "You know what, baby I'm sorry...Just tell me who it was....Please?"

I didn't talk and that's when he huffed. "Do this the hard way Mrs. Carter, I'm going to find out anyway." with that, he left me alone in the shower. I looked at the bath walls, and continued my shower, trying to make this as peaceful as can be.


Why won't she just tell me!? Why is she backing this man up!? Huffing out a bit and puffing, I made my way to the kitchen, mad as fuck if I may add. I began to make her breakfast first. Starting with something light. I know that she haven't ate a balanced meal lately, so I couldn't just give her a whole plate of food, that'll make her sick. Instead, I filled it with toast, an egg and a few sausages along with orange juice. I also placed an Advil next to her juice.

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